Journal Page |
1-29-2000 -Well, I don't know where to start, so I'll start with the past few months, and extend back maybe to a beginning. First, this past year was far from kind to me. I found out that my uncle/roomate has been getting credit cards in my name and maxing them out buying(among other things) gay porn. I am tired now, a tiredness that extends deep into my marrow. However, there is hope. Soon I will be graduating from college. One more class to start and I should be able to get some small job which will give me enough to move in with a friend of mine a mile or so away from here. I still think back sometimes to happier days, when I still had Faith, both in God and in family. But, back to the story. I also have a friend in DC/Maryland who has my resume and may get me a job up there. My most profound, and difficult hope however, is the hard uphill road. I wish to go to a school called "Full Sail" . Full Sail is a sort of "trade school" for high end media/entertainment industry jobs, It is a yearlong program in which you go to school 35 hours a week and when you get out, if you do decently, you have a good shot at a great job making good money. I'm looking at Game Design or Digital Media(if I pick digital media, you know my web page will take a turn for the better ;) ). Well, that's all for now. |