Lots of people think they'd be happy, if only they were rich! If you suddenly, magically had a million dollars, with no obligation, what would you do? E-mail me with your ideas! Assume charity gets as much as you want to give them. This million is just for you!

FURYCROSS@aol.com says:

iwould help my famnily, all my life ive been broke, i never got a chance to know what its like to have things, im 19. i guess u would say get a job right? well its not that easy for me. i have a handicap from my neck surgeory and in this town its very small. all the jobs require alot of lifting,and due to my situation it leave me jobless. things are very hard here. me and my son are really needing help. ive been trying online jobs but all they want is credit card.if i had a million dollars i promise on my life i would help out with the job opening here as well as help myself. i would try to start an legit bussiness to keep at least some people off the street and not let them be in the position i am. am i wrong for wanting to have something finally in my life. life is so short and i want to be able to at least feel good with finaicial success because its very important to me. so my mom can be proud of me that i did something. even if its little or selfish to others. its just a dream i have i guess

STANTONRymrk@aol.com says:

Do you have a million dollars? Give it to me. It would make life more fun for me. Right now life stinks, but I guess I can be glad I'm not dead or starving and wishing I was dead. I could go on and on, but not right now. I'm tired and going to bed.

Our response: No, we do not have a million dollars, and if I did, I wouldn't give it to you unless I had another four million with which to build a nonagon house I have designed. Well, maybe I'd give it to you if you were a contractor and you agreed to build the house.

Pimpmaxim@aol.com says:

I would do absolutely nothing and be happy with the fact the fact that I can do whatever the heck I want.

Strick says:

I already have some land.If I had a million dollars, I would buy the land that is around mine and build a big beautiful camp for less fortunate children.I could build the pond that I plan on building anyway and some nice cabins. It would be great. I'm going to try it anyway it will just take me a lot longer.

butterfly says:

I would invest it in the stock market at 20% and make a salary of $200,000 per year every year after that.

Guss (ghjs@hnpl.net) says:

Slow down, have a bit more fun, enjoy my family, go back to study full time, get a phd, get my pilot's license, continue teaching martial arts, write a book, buy our beach section from my parents, go back to europe with my kids and show them where I grew up and where I went to school.

A1 says:

i would give it away to my family

Stephen Andreu Van Dyck says:

With a million dollars, I would travel the world in order to understand it. Then I would use my money to further educate myself on certain world issues. Finally, I would use the remainder of my money to run for office so that I could help the world, giving back to the world since it gave life to me. Eventually, I could become a world leader, and be the saviour of the world.

Amarantha Francoise Dyuaaxchs says:

I would first buy an RV. A decent, used one, about $25,000 dollars. Then I'd buy my sister, a car, at about $10,000 dollars. Then I'd buy my Dad an airplane for about $100,000 dollars. I'd buy my best friend, Sacree, a horse, for another $10,000 dollars, with a years worth of stabling, which might be $3,000. Then, I'd give Mom a hundred thousand to do what she likes. I think she'll use it for house repair and a vacation with Dad, or maybe with all of us. (We'd go in my new mobile home!) I'd set aside another hundred thousand for my schooling. The total's $358,000. I guess the other $642,000 goes to charity, even if they don't need it anymore (I gave 500 trillion US dollars to various national and international charities under this plan.)

Ivan Gagne says:

I'd buy cool stuf-- I'd buy a "Subway"

DGM says:

If I had a million $'s then I would buy all the cars I wanted and get a big house and a personal kickboxing trainer and I would get a lot of celebrities to be my friends and have lots of parties. And I would give lots of money to the poor people and work for the save the environment, plants, trees & animals. Thank you!

Anonymous says:

I would invest it & make much more-- make Ko?n come to my house!! :)

Diana Morales says:

I would spend it!

Anonymous says:

I would get my permit, then license, then car & insurance. I'd spend the rest on necessary stuff that comes along.

Joseph D. Livesey says:

I would sit and think of what to buy.

Jenny Dyck says:

I would buy a nice house and a nice car.

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