Deenalynn's Fanfic


Welcome to my little corner of the web. For now

this page contains only my X-Files fanfiction.  Please

let me know what you think.  Enjoy

NonnegotiableSome things in life are nonnegotiable. 4kb

Warm Again Discussing the future with the past. 9 kb

My Lover Someone is in love. 4 kb

At the Breaking Early morning musings. 10 kb

Picture Imperfect What if Mulder's life depended on Scully being willing to believe.  70kb

Unreasonable Facsimile  What do you do, when everything you are turns out to be a lie?  203kb

Showers, Agents and Videotape Mulder and Skinner see something never meant for their eyes.

In it for the Mini-Van Sometimes it is just the simple things.

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