Chapter Two - Castle Rohammer


Written by Nick Watkins (Tealor Ravenstorm)

Chapter 2 - Castle Rohammer

They departed almost at once, no time for a celebration or goodbyes, the two friends were told to grab what little gear they owned and join the Kings Adviser at the gates to the Academy. After they had been farewelled by the Grandmaster, the three left the fortress. Some distance away from the academy Carter turned to Kallem, "Kallem do you realise what we've done?" Kallem grinned at his friend,
"Yep, we've escaped from the Academy." The two started laughing and slapping each other on the back. It was then that the Kings Adviser turned around, the sun was slowly disappearing in the horizon behind him,
"We will wait for the carriage that will take us to Castle Rohammer here. Sit, we have much to talk about boys." Kallem and Jarrod fell quite and sat on the ground near the Adviser. "My first name is Dugar and you may call me by it, I am the Kings Adviser which you know but what you don't know is that..." Kallem cut him off,
"I know you have silver eyes and you have something to do with that dream I had on my birthday." Dugar raised his bushy brown eyebrows and then smiled,
"Very perceptive Kallem, you will make a fine Hunter." Carter looked between the two and shook his head,
"What the hell are you two talking about?" Dugar straightened his grey robes and adjusted his sword belt,
"In time all will be explained, Jarrod you also have a big role to play in this. I have sensed in you the ability to become a great fighter you have the potential." Now that he had Carters attention he continued, "You will both train with me for the next few years, it will be a lot of hard work, you will wish you had just stayed in the academy."
"Not likely," Carter retorted. The sound of approaching horses made the three turn in the direction of the noise,
"Good, here is the carriage." Four horses that were as dark as the coach that they were pulling came to a stop in front of them. Entering the carriage the two boys’ jaws dropped.
"Wow I don't think I've ever sat on anything so soft," Carter remarked bouncing slightly on the velvet seats. Dugar shrugged slightly
"Well, I am the Kings Adviser, I have to travel in some comfort. Don't get used to this because it will probably be the first and last time until you finish your knighthood." Carters eyes perked up,
"We're going to be knights?" Dugar smiled "Of course you don't stay squires for ever. Most of your time will be studying with me or attending to your squire duties." He continued "Now there are about twenty squires at the castle, none of which will know about your specialised training with me." Kallem spoke for the first time since he had gotten into the coach
"So Dugar, do you think you can fill me in a bit more on all this Hunter business, I have a lot of unanswered questions." Dugar shifted in his seat
"So you should my young friend, I will try and explain. The council of the Hunters is made up of thirty people, should one of the thirty die another is chosen to replace them. Kallem you are Martek's replacement, not just anybody can be a Hunter though. Very few people are born with the ability to become one of us, both you and Jarrod here have that ability. But a Hunter can only be chosen on their fifteenth birthday, as you were Kallem. You Jarrod are still too young to be chosen and if the council remains full you will lose that chance." Carter interrupted
"So someone has to die before I chosen, what if that doesn't happen then what?" Dugar smiled
"Don't worry, since you already have the ability, with the proper training you can still be as formidable as fully trained hunter. You two will spend most of your training together which will make you a very powerful team. It is good to have a partner to watch your back."
"Who exactly are we watching for Dugar?" Kallem asked leaning forward in his seat.
"Those born with the ability to be chosen, Darkuth is the common term, are easily corrupted by evil, that is why you will train with us Jarrod, to keep you from turning to the other side. The Dark Brothers as they are called seek to kill any hunter they can find, you will be a target Kallem because you have not been fully trained. Later in the next few weeks you will learn much more about them." Kallem lent back in his seat crossing his arms and thought for a while, he looked up into Dugar's silver eyes, which sent a small shiver up his spine. Dugar spoke "Surely you have more questions Kallem?" Kallem uncrossed his arms
"Yes, I have many questions. You wear three rings on your left hand, what are they?" Dugar smiled
"You certainly don't miss much do you Kallem? These's rings give me some control over certain elements," touching each one as he spoke, "The sapphire, the element of water. The diamond, the element of wind and the emerald, the element of earth." Kallem eyebrows rose,
"They each have different amounts of power," he stated pointing, "The sapphire ring has the most power followed by the emerald and the diamond." Dugar frowned
"Kallem, it is important that you tell me how you know that." Kallem shrugged slightly,
"My mother was a fairly powerful sorceress, I've grown up with magic all my life, she used to say that I had a gift for magic." Dugar's frown faded
"Yes I suppose that could explain some things, the gift could have come from your mother, magic has a strange way of passing down family lines. Many people have unique gifts like yours. Did your father have a gift of any kind?" Kallem shook his head
"Don't know, I never knew my father." Carter yawned loudly,
"Well even though this lesson is fun, I'm beat from the day, can we get some sleep?" Dugar nodded his head, "
That's probably a good idea, get some sleep you two you have the next few years for question and answer." Kallem lent back and closed his eyes not knowing how he could sleep, but sleep came.

Kallem looked around him the void had returned, all he could see in the strange darkness was himself. "Hunter Ravenstorm, we meet again" a voice spoke, Kallem recognised it as the person who had been in the last dream. The figure once again appeared out of the black night, this time no sword hung at his hip or cape rested over his shoulder, only the dark green leathers he had been wearing underneath remained. He looked at Kallem with his pale green eyes. Kallem bowed his head slightly,
"Martek?" The figure nodded his head,
"Yes Hunter, I am Martek, you have taken my place in the council of thirty. I am here to tell you that the next few years of your life are going to be very tough. You must train hard and learn to use all your abilities, your hunter skills as well as your other gifts." Kallem's eyes widened,
"I have more than one gift?" Martek snorted loudly
"You my boy have the potential to be the most powerful person to walk the face of this world, a lot of magic, strong magic flows through your veins. Now I realise that this is a lot to be put onto the shoulders of a fifteen year old boy, but you must train hard and learn fast because your opponent will not wait for you to become fully trained before he tries to get rid of you." Kallem blinked and stared for a second,
"And who is my opponent?" Martek's gaze never left Kallem's eyes,
"The rouge Hunter, leader of the dark brothers, Maphesto the Sorcerer." Kallem swallowed hard and the void was gone.

"Dugar, tell me about Maphesto the Sorcerer." Dugar looked up, his silver eyes resting on Kallem's as the carriage rocked from side to side on the rough road.
"Maphesto is one of the council of thirty, a traitor, he studied in the unknown art of Sorcery as he did not have the gift for wizardry, wizard's gifts allow them to control the elements like my rings do except with greater power and they can use all five elements, wind, water, fire, earth and spirit. Sorcerers don't have the gift but can control magic through rings, wands or scrolls of magic, their magic is limited somewhat in the way that they have to memorize their spells were as wizards can tap directly in to the element." Kallem nodded,
"So Sorcerers are the weaker of the two casters?" Dugar shook his head,
"Wizards can use each element, but can only use one at a time while Sorcerers can use spells combining elements in effect making a wizard look a little more than a housefly. Warlocks on the other hand could use and combine all the elements making them a very powerful foe, their exact magical skills are largely unknown as they have been destroyed for a thousand years maybe more." Dugar paused, "Why the sudden interest in the foul sorcerer?" Kallem shrugged sitting back again
"Just wanted to know who we were up against." Dugar sat back in his seat, the boy knew a lot more than he was letting on.

The carriage had not stopped all night, until now. Kallem looked out the window through the curtains and glanced up at the sun, midmorning. The driver explained that he had to rest and water the horses so they had a couple of hours to wait. Dugar stood and got out of the coach, Kallem and Carter followed suite. They had stopped at what looked like a small farm, the driver had unhitched the horses and was now leading them towards a trough next to a large hay barn. Dugar went to the back of the carriage and opened a storage compartment he pulled out a large wooden box. "The rest of the journey to Castle Rohammer can be quite treacherous, quite a few bandits operate along this road. By your display at the academy I know you can use these," Dugar opened the box and pulled out two swords in sheaths. "Unlike your training swords these are real and sharp, get used to the fact that you may have to kill someone with it, maybe even today, this is a harsh world boys. The people who will try to get you will not be reasoned with, its kill or be killed don't make the mistake of pausing it could cost you your life. Trust your instincts, they will guide your sword." The two took the weapons with a grim smile on their faces.

It was just before dusk when a group of bandits attacked. Dugar and the two boys jumped out of the carriage weapons drawn. Kallem looked at the hunter who now had a small smile on his face, "Now Kallem take a hold of that power you have found and get ready, Jarrod watch your friends back." Dugar looked around, "I can sense six at least." Kallem and Carter stood back to back, Kallem let himself relax and he felt the new power come alive and surround him. At once three men came out of the darkness towards the companions, the bandits were dressed in amour that was made up of scavenged bits of chain mail, leather and some plate. Two of the men held thick clubs while the other had a short sword and a small buckler attached to his arm. There was a cry of pain from the darkness, Dugar was no longer standing next to the boys.
"That's five now," Carter stated from behind Kallem. The two men with the clubs charged forward, Kallem and Carter met them at the middle. One swung his club down to crush the Hunter but Kallem quickly stepped aside and slashed his sword across the mans ribs, part of him was sickened at what he had done that but as the man fell to the ground another part of him was excited by the battle. Carter was quite easily holding off the other club-wielding bandit blocking each attack waiting for the attacker to tire. With quick fake to the left making the bandit balk was all the time he needed to remove the offending hand that was holding the club. The man fell to the ground screaming. With the first attackers dispatched the two turned towards the last bandit. The man didn't move he was staring straight at Kallem's silver eyes, Dugar appeared from behind the coach his sword was bloodied he looked up at the last bandit.
"Be careful you two that is a dark brother." Kallem's eyes went to the bandit's hands there was a ruby ring on his left hand. 'The element of fire'
"Carter, duck!" Kallem yelled as the bandit raised his hand and shot a ball of fire at them from his now raised hand, the two dropped as a flaming ball the size of a head flew over them towards Dugar. Dugar calmly raised his hand and blast of air sent the ball flying harmlessly into the sky. The dark brother now had a shocked look on his face. Kallem had wasted no time, once the fireball had past overhead he leapt up and charged, Jarrod quickly followed suite. Still focusing on the older hunter the bandit did not notice the twos approach until it was too late. Dugar wiped his blade clean on one of the bandits clothes,
"Well done, most would have waited you have proven yourself to be a quick thinker." Kallem sighed as the power faded from him, the feeling was amazing all your senses were heightened sight, hearing, reflexes, it was if the world slowed down to make the fight easier.
"Kallem take the ring from his hand, that is yours now." Kallem looked down, squatting he pulled the ring from the lifeless fingers of the dark brother. He studied the ring in his hands the magic coming from it was quite small compared to Dugar's. "Place it on you left hand, I will instruct you in its use later, for now we must be off before any more of their friends get here." As Kallem slipped the ring onto his finger suddenly the gem twisted around changing in shape it was like the gem was trying to grow in size sure enough the ruby started to expand. As the gem grew so did the amount of magic in the ring, once the ruby was about four times as big it stopped growing.
"Dugar, what just happened?" Kallem asked. Dugar quickly walked up to Kallem and grabbed his left hand examining it he said,
"Kallem, your ring is at third and highest level of power already."
"What exactly does that mean?" Dugar frowned slightly,
"You told me that my rings are of different magical strengths which is true. I have mastered the element of water so the sapphire ring is at the third level, while the others that I have not quite mastered are at level two the element of earth and wind." He said pointing at each ring. "Kallem your ring should be at level one, since you only just put on the ring for the first time." Carter butted in
"Kallem doesn't need a ring for fire, I seen him do that against the Shadowed Beast." Dugar raised an eyebrow,
"So you already have the gift for fire. That could explain the ring changing like that. This is good, now your gift will be amplified through the ring." He paused and let out a small whistle, "Boy, be very and I mean very careful how much power you use through that ring. You could probably burn everything from here out in a four hundred-metre radius. Don't even think about using your gift until I have instructed you in the use of that ring." Kallem shrugged his shoulders "No worries."
"Now lets go, we have to be back at Rohammer by sunup." With that the Hunter turned and walked to the carriage.

Just before the sun came over the horizon they crossed over a big wooden bridge that 'cut the corner' so to speak by going over the neck of lake Eyrie. The castle Rohammer slowly grew in size, as they got closer by the time they got to the gates of the city the two had sore necks from looking up at the castle walls. Entering through the great iron archway Kallem looked around, there must have been about ten guards patrolling the front gate. Once they had seen the Kings Adviser's carriage they stepped out of the way and let them straight through. As they passed under the gate Kallem saw a big stable running along the wall of the castle, in front of them as Dugar pointed out was their new home the barracks. On the right was a blacksmith they could hear the loud bang of hammer on metal, the carriage travelled around the blacksmith and stopped out side of the main castle. Quickly jumping out Kallem and Carter looked up at the huge stone palace. A big curved stairway led to the two massive iron doors. "Come," Dugar stated, "time to meet the king." They followed the Hunter up the stairs and in to the castle.

The king of Sayiaume was sitting in his throne, when he saw them enter from the other side of the huge room he stood. The king must have been just less than seven foot in height but he was in no way skinny the man was tall and muscular, Kallem guessed that the king would have no trouble in snapping him in half if he wanted too. Once they were standing in front of the throne Dugar spoke "King Rohammer, may I present your new squires Kallem and Jarrod," he saluted by clenching his right fist over his heart but he did not bow. Rohammer's gaze moved from his adviser to the to young men next to him, Kallem looked up into the king's blue eyes not sure of what to do, so he dropped to one knee and saluted in the same fashion as Dugar, Carter quickly followed his lead. The kings eyebrow's raised slightly, he smiled and spoke for the first time since they had walked in, his voice wasn't as loud and deep as Kallem had expected for a man of his size
"In all my years as king you two are the first to not bow when they have been presented to me, besides Dugar here of course," he laughed deep and loud "I like that, show's guts, you both will make fine knights one day." Bending down slightly so his head was at Kallem and Carters level, "Mind you only you two will be allowed to salute me like that, every one else can bow." He winked at the two with one eye and straightened back to his full height he ran his hand through his blonde white hair, "Good job, Dugar now I have some things to attend to I'm sure I can leave these two with you for the moment." Dugar nodded his head,
"There are plenty of things that they need to do before this day is out."
"Righto I'm off then" Rohammer said as he casually walked out of the throne room. Carter elbowed Kallem,
"I didn't know king's could be that cool." Kallem could only shrug his shoulders.

Dugar was quick to move on he headed back towards the doors they entered through the two followed the Adviser out of the King's throne room. "Come I will show to the squires barracks and you will meet your fellow squires. Remember you are the King's Squires so don't take any crap." Carter couldn't help cracking a big grin at this comment, Dugar saw this and stopped turning to face Jarrod, "Don't think its going to be fun. A lot of people here will be jealous of your position and very eager to take your place should you slip and fall." The barracks was a rectangular building made out logs, inside the dormitory there were rows of beds with chests sitting next to them quite similar to the way the academy had theirs set up. Kallem counted ten squires not including himself and Carter each varied in shape or height, Kallem even noticed a Half-Elf although his black hair was tied back to cover his pointed ears. Most people probably wouldn't have noticed but Kallem had grown up with elves and could pick one out of a crowd easily enough. Dugar pointed out their bunks and told them to unpack their stuff. Kallem and his friend quickly went into action, unpacking their gear into the chest at the side of the bed. They were given a key on a chain for their wooden box that they promptly locked and hung around their necks. They did not stop long enough for introductions, as there was still much to do. The next place Dugar took them was the tailor who measured their sizes and replied that the squires' clothes didn't have to be made up as they had the appropriate one's in stock. Quickly outfitted in their new garbs the two looked at them selves in the tall mirrors on the wall. The King's squires clothes were of a different style to the one the boy's in the barracks had worn. The shirt and vest were dark red and had a thick black sash running diagonally from the shoulder to the waist. They were also given black leather boots and dark brown pants made out of thick tightly woven cotton. Carter was quick to complain that the pants were itchy, but his mood quickly lightened when he saw the replacement swords. Dugar held two thick black belts hanging on each were equally dark sheaths containing new swords, once Dugar had handed over the belts Kallem was quick to draw the weapon. The hilt was pretty plain, a deep grey colour, the hand grip was wrapped in a deep red leather matching their vests, edged on both sides the blade reflected Kallem's silver eyes back at him. With surprising dexterity he flipped the sword around his hand and slammed it back in its scabbard. He put the belt on, the weight of the sword making him feel more at ease it was a strange feeling. By the time this was done it was past midday, and before Kallem could mention that he was hungry Carter's stomach grumbled loudly,
"Just what I was thinking Jarrod," he said with a grin. The next place they visited was the kitchen hall. The main dining room was huge, rows of tables led up to the king's table that sat on a slightly raised platform. Dugar pointed to a table right near the front
"That's where you sit during main meals, near the kings table, you will find there are some perks to being the king's squires." The cook served them a plate of what looked like bits of meat and vegetables in gravy with a side of mashed potatoes, Kallem frowned
"What's this?" The cook shrugged his shoulder's slightly
"Goulash," he replied simply. Jarrod raised an eyebrow but made no comment, after eating the meal that wasn't as bad as it looked they were given the rest of the tour. Dugar showed them the training grounds, the classrooms that they did study in, the stables and the blacksmith. The smith took their sizes and almost immediately he started work on their amour. By this time the sun had sunk low in the sky after dinner that looked very similar to lunch all the squires were sent to the barracks for sleep, Kallem had wanted to talk to the half-elf earlier but he had been pulled away, now was his chance.

Chapter 3 - Tuvas the Half Elf