Dougie's Home Page!














Me on holiday 1999

Hello!.....My name is Douglas Hamill All my friends call me dougie. Im 30 years old married to my beautifull wife Valerie. Ive been married nearly 4 years now and life just keeps getting better.  Im from Edinburgh in Scotland and I have to say if you ever wish to visit this beautifull town and fabulous country then dont hesitate do it.

Now in the past I have worked in holiday camps and bars and have had the privilage to meet lots of people who have become good friends over the years.  My interests have varied from time to time but there are a few things which will always remain constant in my life.

I am very much interested in wargames. Most folks when they think of wargames they think of computer games or guys running around shooting each other playing at soldiers. Im interested in both of those to a limited extent but my main interest is in traditional wargaming. That is refighting actual or theoretical battles that have taken place or may have taken place throughout history with the use of miniature figures.

I have played several periods in my years of gaming but my main popularity lies with the American Civil war and World War 2 onwards...  for the most part i do my gamin at my local club The South East Scotland Wargames Club. We meet regulalrly every week and we vary our games from week to week so as to keep the interest as well as letting other members design and plan the next weeks battle.

My other passion is computers and the topic here varies from playing games to writing webpages to using the internet and visiting chatrooms. You may or may not have seen me in any of the chatrooms but if you do see the name BLACK SCORPION then it is likely to be me. say hi because im always happy to meet new friends.

Finally one of my less practiced hobbies these days is art. I love drawing....and i love fantasy art....enclosed within these pages are samples of art ive collected from various sites on the net as example of how wonderfull and exciting this area is. There are no boundaries no limitations everything you could ever need to create wonderfull peices of art like this are the basic skill which anyone can pic up and your imagination.

Well feel free to look around this site and I hope you like what you see