Catherine(Katrin)-The first High Queen of Palindor. A child from the world of humans whose task is to save Palindor.
Cerebeth-a human, the Queen of Palindor, who has reigned for a thousand years at the time of the book.
Drefynt-a Holy Gnome, particularly knowledgeable about the old times.
Entelred-the greatest living wizard on Palindor.
Gondalwyn-a dwarf, apprentice to Entelred to become a wizard.
Harsforn-a great healer who lives with the seer Iadron.
Iadron-a seer who lives with Harsforn in a remote house in the Moortain Mire.
Malthazzar-The Lord of Evil. Banished from the realm of Olvensar, Malthazzar intends to take his revenge by subjugating Palindor under his own rule.
Olvensar-The High Lord of Palindor;at the start of the story, it has been a long time since he was last seen in the land.
Tarandron-A good, honest dwarf who does not always believe what he is told.
Trondwyth-an unusually practical Holy Gnome. Page hosted by GeocitiesCharacters in Palindor
Aramis-A Hunter who desires to protect Palindor from the evil of Malthazzar.
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