Akmed's World Wide Weird

    Hello, my name is Akmed.  This is not my real name, but for national security reasons, I will remain Akmed.  The name comes from my evil twin brother, eh, personality.  Whatever!  I have recently graduated from a private college in the northeast, which will also remain unmentioned.  I would not want to embarrass my school or the wonderful people there.  This is my third attempt at creating a page, and so far it seems to be working fine.

    There are several topics to choose from below; each unique, each one reflecting an interest of mine.  The material you read on this site is strictly of my own creation.  However, any graphics found are taken off the web in various places.  If you are the owner of any of these pix, please e-mail me, I am sorry in advance, and they will be promptly removed.  If you link to a different site and find objectionable or illegal material, too bad, you've been warned.  I have no control over what others post on the web, so don't come crying to me.

    Please note that some material found on this web site may not be suitable for persons under the age of 18.  If you are offended by any content found here, please click here for a formal apology.  If you are over 18 and like to be treated like an adult, (ha ha ha), then carry on.

Adult Humor (NR 17)
Essays, Research Papers, and Stories

To contact me, please send all mail to:akmed6969@netzero.net