
You find yourself looking at the Time Space Agency list of ChronoSphere eras and locations. You then look around at your surroundings. The entrance to Time Central Station, the joining point for all times, is to your right. Above and in front of you is a television screen with green text flashing on it. It is a list of the rules for ChronoSpace.

#1. NO BITCHING. If you want something done, e-mail us, or ask us online, politely.

#2. NO ARGUING. It's your problem, not ours. Take your shit elsewhere, because I really couldn't give a flying fuck if he insulted you, or she's a bitch. If you want to argue, whine, yell, scream, bitch, or otherwise annoy us, go away, or do it in whisper.

#3. NO PLAYER DEATHS. Unless a CSI or CSO says so, you do not die. There are two ways you can die. (1) You can die on a quest, although this will not happen too often unless you don't follow rule #1 or #2. (2) You can die in a deathmatch. This is an event held by a CSO only, and it's a fight to the death for whatever reason made you that angry. Don't go around asking to deathmatch everyone, because you do not get xp for winning a deathmatch.


8/12/99-Serion is on vacation for two weeks, so please e-mail Sillupis, or Sam Grult with questions instead of Serion. Thank you.

8/15/99- You can send any questions to the help department. Sam Grult would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have about the game, and if we get enough questions, we will post some FAQs..


As you near Time Central Station (#TimeCentralStation on TalkCity), you look up to see five giant clock towers all in a row. However, all the clock towers but one do not show the time, they show the year. Each has a large sign above it: Future-Present-Old West-Medieval. Then the last one has the current time displayed.

As you enter Time Central Station, you see a variety of creatures walking around in the halls. All around you are rows and rows of doors. Directly in front of you is a French-style cafe, there are a few people sitting outside of it, and a few things that you think are people. A man walks up to you in a black trenchcoat. He has a badge on his shoulder that reads clearly CSO. He says, "Welcome to Time Central Station. I'm Sam Grult. If there is anything I can help you with, just ask." He then turns and walks back to his post. Four creatures walk up to you. One is a Dragon, one is an Indian, one is a gnome, and one is a very large hovering siamese fighting fish. The Dragon says "Hello, I am Serion and This is Great Wolf. we are CSO's and we are in charge here. Welcome to Time Central Station. Directly behind me is our cafe, Le Grand Cafe, or The Big Coffee, in English. Le Grand Cafe is run by our passionate French fencer-turned-chef, Jean-Pierre DuPont. If you walk a little that way, you will find Joey's Homestyle Grill, our bar and grill. I wouldn't recommend messing with Joey, he can use all eight arms very well if he needs to. Right next to Joey's is the Motel 8. Yup, they're everywhere, even in ChronoSpace. Anyway, if you walk a little over this way, there's the registration desk to register your citizenship in ChronoSpace. You can also see who else is here, and who the CSOs and CSIs are. Oh by the way Zeypher and Savath are the only CSIs at this point. Great Wolf and I are the only active CSOs at this point. Sam retired and now only does the advice, and works ChronoSpheres, although occasionally he will make guest appearances in quests. As Sam said earlier, if you have any questions, please consult him at The Help Department. If you would like to do any sort of dueling or Questing, don't hesitate to ask. However, we seem to be having so technical problems with the ChronoSpheres right now and Duel Deck is malfunctioning horribly. So for now, only Time Central Station is open. Have a nice day."


History of Chronospace(not ready)

Time Central Station

Create a Character(not ready)


Weapons and Armor(not ready)



Created by: Serion and Sillupis


E-mail Great Wolf aka Sillupis at:

E-mail Serion aka Antarus at: