Denver Colorado Sector 001
Greatings and salutaions, Welcome to the Vulcan Embassy, Denver Colorado Sector 001. Our goal is to unite all Vulcans (and Romulans that want unification) that wish to join our worthy cause. Our goal as a group is to gather all the data we can in regards to Vulcan History, Culture, Customs, Rituals and to coordinate them to a working archive. In addition to that, we also seek to establish peacefull relations with other races within or outside of the Federation.
This site will always be under contruction so check back often
We are curently working on many projects which include:
Vulcan Launguage, Culture, Rituals, History
This will the a page describing the Embassy history
This will be a page describing our club interests
Please feel free to give and comments or suggestions to
This will be a page where our meeting notes will be held for those that missed our meetings (checking the notes doesnt constitute showing up to the meetings/events)
Colorado Grand Alliance coloalliance 's Home Page
Deep Space 18 Welcome To DS-18
House Veska (Klingon web page)
Starland Starland Online Magazine
U.S.S. Pioneer USS Pioneer NCC-5280-D
U.S.S. Wind Spirit U.S.S. Wind Spirit
If you have any good links please e-mail them to