










soon to be reborn...

and now available...



About Omnicide EntertainmentTM

 Greetings, and welcome to Omnicide EntertainmentTM – a new step in entertainment, a new cide of the story. We have many things to look forward to, many goals, and many ambitions. We also hope to give you something to laugh about in the process. So, we bring you a collection of stories and images that we hope keep you well entertained throughout your day. Enjoy, and keep on truckin’.


Omnicide EntertainmentTM is:


Jim Fath

Lyndhurst, OH

 Besy J. Philip

Pelham, NY

 Roy C.E. Thorsell

Richmond Heights, OH



The content of Krash Freeway & the Tow TruckTM, Omnicidal TendenciesTM (OETM Newsletter), Thorn: Vampire HunterTM, Jamieson KrossTM, are the property of Omnicide EntertainmentTM The items contained in these pages (images, text, etc.) are the property of Omnicide EntertainmentTM and should not be duplicated for use without the express written consent of Omnicide EntertainmentTM.  The characters depicted in these pages bear no intentional resemblance to persons living or dead. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.  No animals were harmed in the making of this website.  


Other Randomness


Crash Files


 Megan’s Page






Contact Us: krashfreeway@yahoo.com




Omnicide Entertainment

concept by
Roy Thorsell

Jim Fath
Besy Philip
Roy Thorsell

Web Design
Besy Philip

"Krash Freeway & The Tow Truck"
created by
Roy Thorsell

Written by
Jim Fath
Besy Philip
Roy Thorsell

Sketches by
Roy Thorsell

"Thorn: Vampire Hunter"
created by
Roy Thorsell

Written by
Roy Thorsell


"Jamieson Kross"

created by
Jim Fath

web design by
Jim Fath


"Omnicidal Tendencies"
created by
Roy Thorsell

Written by
Roy Thorsell