An introduction...
The fraternity of Life.
I have a love yet unknown.
I ask myself-
Will my love recognize me when the time comes?
Or is it my responsibility.
I have a fear of that which is gone
-Have I missed my love
Am I to go on alone?
-verse from 'Bad Ass Dogs Don't Do Ballet'
For some reason, this mortal verse always draws my attention...I have many loves, for that is the way of the vampire. To live life to it's fullest. Ironic when you read that line. "Live life"...I have taken so many in my centuries here on Earth. Mortals have such a different aroma. Similar to that of the rose. Oh how I treasure the roses given to me by my immortal lover, Louis. Only we can deeply appreciate the hue of those petals. The blood just waiting to ooze out of the skin. Tiny veins on those petals. Waiting for release...My sweet Louis...

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Entry 1:
"Love is a promise delivered already broken..."~Steve Martin
Dearest Louis,
I go into the cold winter night and long to smell your immortal skin. I am fooled sometimes at the smell of cedar and evergreen. I laughed one time when I approached your scent only to find a branch of evergreen lying on the ground. I picked it up and felt the damp sap from the needles cover my fingertips. I closed my eyes and swore I was touching your tears. I find no joy in this time of year without you by my side.Everyday I smell you getting closer.Everyday I long to hold your head in my hands...Look into those deep eyes...And rid you of your pain. You said those words to me once. Right before I asked you to make me immortal. I will sit by the fire and cut a sprig of evergreen every night as I long for your return...

I loved seeing your beautiful white face amongst the frozen winter's landscape. That is what I see now when snow falls from the heavens. Another year is upon us. I know that you can now hear my thoughts. Every minute my mind whispers, "I love you" in hopes that you are near enough to hear it. Next month will bring your fondest of holidays. You are my St. Valentine... I long to see you, but you know this. Tonight I will dream of the opera. "La Boheme"... As the snow falls upon the singers, I will envision you and I embracing under the pure white falling sky. Cleansing you from all your guilt. And I shall hold you and my mind will whisper "I love you"...Serenade