Resident Evil
Based on Capcom's best selling Horror-Survival series with the same name; Resident Evil, 2002, has proven to be one of this year's best horror movies. What I didn't expect, however, was that the movie was as, if not more, intense than the game itself.

The story starts off about one to two days before Resident Evil 1. Beneath a deep underground labortory known as The Hive, the Umbrella Corporation designed a deadly chemical virus known only as the T-Virus. This virus is kept under strict supervision by the central computer known as Red Queen.

When a mysterious figure breaks into the lab and let's loose the virus into the Hive's air conditioner, the Red Queen reacts with deadly force. The computer, who is represented by a hologram of a young girl (Whom I am guessing is actually a young version of Alexia from Code Veronica), begins shutting down all doors and escape passages from the Hive; killing many of the helpless scientists at the same time.

We now find ourselves viewing a knocked out (and quiet nude) Alice (Milla Jovovich). She wakes up and in a very dazed state stumbles around the Spencer Estate (Yes, the same Spencer Estate from RE1). She seems to have no memory of why she is there and what she does.

Alice is soon discovered by a police officer and almost taken into custody when the windows shatter. Fans will instantly reconize the black uniforms and gas masks from the Hunks, first seen in Resident Evil 2. Working for Umbrella, these heavilly armed commandoes take Alice, the police officer, and another man they discovered who seems to be Alice's husband; Spence (James Purefoy).

They are dragged into a hidden basement deep within the Specer Estate and taken into the Hive. Alice is informed along the way that she and Spence work for Umbrella and act guard for the mansion. As they struggle to get to the wiley Red Queen, however, the shi^ hits the fan.

The Red Queen warns them not to shut her down or else "You're all going to die down here." Well, they do shut her down and in the process unlock all the doors the had sealed and thus releasing all the scientists. Unfortunatly, they have been mutated into the walking undead. Now the commandos, teamed with Spencer and Alice, must get out of the Hive before they are eaten alive by hundreds of the walking corpses (At least 500 states the lead commando)

When I heard about the production of Resident Evil almost three years ago, I was not expecting much. When I heard that it was about a deadly computer, I expected even worse and without the Stars team, my hopes died.

I was dead wrong.

This movie, though not based on a game episode, is true to the game series. The storyline works as the perfect prequel to the series and the ending is so shocking that you must see it twice to make sure you heard correctly. Keep an eye out for many Resident Evil figures such as Lickers, Cereberes' (the dogs), and you may get a glimpse of the horrendous Hunter.

Also, without ruining the ending, keep a close eye and ear open to what is said for a very shocking suprise. If your a Resident Evil fan or not, this movie is definatly a must go for horror buffs. I admit to screaming out in surprise when I played RE1 alone in the dark but this movie made those incidents look like a Disney flick.

It is nice to see a game-based movie do good in the theatures. I give it four out of four stars: ****