Luke's 3D objects & Images

This is a slowly growing collection of 3D objects and images I have created. When I have a the Bryce images ready, I will sort out a proper gallery.

Bryce 2

Here are a few Bryce2 Worlds I have created I will post something here in the very near future!


Here are a few Terragen Worlds I have created. Check out Terragen for more details on this fantastic and free landscape renderer.


I have downloaded several GB of free meshes off the net, most of which were created be people who wanted nothing back. Since I have used so many of these meshes in my own images I felt it was about time I put something back. I have a few objects so far but many more on the way.

Note that in downloading these objects you are agreeing to the terms below.

These objects may be used in anything except commercial work (want to use it in commercial work, drop me a mail, I'm a reasonable person!). You may not republish these without my permission (you must at least create a link to this site) and you certainly may not claim these models to be yours or I shall visit you in the wee hours of the morning with a big stick!, you get the idea. Other than that, enjoy and if you make anything creative with them, I'd be interested to know.

Alvis Stalwart (Stollie)
A UK amphibeous off road truck. (This is nearly finished and will be published soon, this is a pre-release render)
Download (3ds, ????K)
Bar grip tyre
A bar grip tyre (as used by many older military vehicles).
Download (3ds, 137K)
Archbar truck
An american style rail truck used up until 1950s. (This is about to get updated now that I have a better editor)
Download (dxf, 77K)
rail axle
An american style rail axle, approximating to 33" inch wheels on standard gauge track.
Download (dxf, 39K)
A modern free standing uplighter and wall uplighter.
Download (dxf, 6K)

Objects Links

However I know plenty of places to get objects from!. Heres a few of my favourite links.
3D-CafeA superb site for hundreds of free models, textures and all sorts
Sandy Lodge GraphicsSome really cool and unusual objects, particularly dungeon props.
Props GuildA large number of objects, mostly poser stuff but some general stuff as well.
RenderosityThe ultimate online 3D forum (free membership).

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