Warriors of the Moss

By: Sunstripe the Mace

The warriors on the River Moss,
Are strong, brave and true,
Don't join them and your at a loss,
Join and you'll get glory too.

Starbuck the Second,
Son of Old Starbuck,
Chases vermin to no end,
A grand 'ol laddie-buck.

Bluetip Blackcat,
All vermin's bane,
She knows where it's at,
And is always game.

Fighting vermin is its best feature,
Always ready for a skirmish or two,
Be thankful you peaceful creature,
You have the Warriors of Moss protecting you.

Ralph the Righteous

By: Sunstripe the Mace

Ralph was a very good fighter,
With a shout, a yell and a stab,
He vanquished the blighters,
He even conquered a crab.

His name became a legend througout the land,
Vermin learned to fear his clever brain,
Many foul creatures died by his hand,
They went to the Dark Forest cursing his name.

Eventually, as he got older,
His hair was turning gray,
He knew he wasn't getting any bolder,
He thought how nice it was to play,
Before he became a warrior.

He traveled the long, hard roads,
In hopes of finding somewhere to settle,
He traveled in Marshlands fighting toads,
And through the Stinging Nettle.

At last he found a peaceful place,
Quiet and serene,
It was a nice wide open space,
Beautiful and green.

While exploring his new land
He noticed a large boulder,
Inscribed with the word LOAMHED,
Compared to Ralph, it was far older.

His brain started working,
What could it mean,
He knew this was no time for shirking,
If he couldn't figure it out,
Then I'm a bean.

He searced his mind, when he remembered a time,
When he visited an abbey with great walls of stone,
They said that their abbey, had been founded by mice,
Who once called Loamhedge their home.

Loamhedge his mind shouted,
It had to be,
He didn't doubt it,
The old abbey!

He went traveling again,
Searching for strong creatures to help him,
He created quite a din,
In hopes that Loamhedge would be beautiful again.

He found the help that he needed,
Many strong otters, hares and mice,
To his call they heeded,
Ralph knew they could rebuild in a trice.

Some mice went looking for some stone,
They fould a great big quarry,
The first half of their work was done,
And up went a big Hooray!

The second half of their work was hard,
It took them half a moon,
They discovered when they put in the last shard,
Their work was their boon.

The abbey was enormous,
Twice as big as Redwall,
It had space for every otter,
Hedgehog, hare and mouse,
And when they finished they had a huge ball.

When it came to deciding who would rule Loamhedge.
Ralph was the obvious one, he found those who were alone,
He gathered them up and took them to the forest edge,
Where they made this beautiful abbey and of stone.

His days are still full of glory,
Even though he hung up his sword,
Many people have told his story,
And more will hear it from this day forward...

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