Psycho Stevie and his sleepy son Eric

Click on Eric's picture to go to his photo gallery.

Psycho's webpage greeting, well sort of a greeting

A crayon drawing Eric made of his Mother and Godmother.

Movie Valentine of Eric and Mommy

An AVI movie of two lovers on the beach

A photo of a very serious little leaguer, circa 1972

A picture of my lovely wife Rebecca

And my future trophy wife Shauna. Click on Shauna to see her webpage..

Watch my nephew Brad turn into Minya, Baby Godzilla

It happens to almost everyone... my good friend Scott got married. Here are some pictures taken just hours before the big moment

Another exciting Ed animated GIF

An exciting animated gif I made of a jet being shot down

The (rather lame) SUNY Binghamton swim team alumni website of Adam Pack, Esquire

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