Everything I Need to Know About Life I Learned From The Computer
The Computer is your friend.
Happiness is mandatory.
Failure to be happy is treason.
Take your Happy Pills and like it.
Troubleshooters get killed more by six in the morning than you do all daycycle.
Keep your laser ready.
Just say "No" to secret societies.
It's good to be the High Programmer.
There's always someone of a higher Security Clearance.
If you have the gun, you don't need the Security Clearance.
There's always someone with a bigger gun.
Always know where the vidcam's pointed.
A small bribe can go a long way.
Everybody's guilty of something.
If it looks like treason, sounds like treason, or smells like treason, you're a traitor.
It's only treason if you get caught.
Don't go Outdoors.
Always find somebody else to test the R&D gadget.
It's always some other clone's fault.
Always look out for clone #1... and #s 2,3,4,5 and 6...
Trust no one.
Your other clones are out to get you.
If you're gonna die anyway, why complain?
Report for termination
Have a nice daycycle.