Ship Ratings
    Soviet Union
    United Kingdom
    United States

This section provides data for several never-built ship classes of the WW2 era for the Corpen 18 rules.


Class:  Alsace BB     Category: Capital Ship  
Movement: 3/3
Fire Control: IV
Main Battery: 8VL        Range: 11    To-hit: +2/+2/--
Secondary: 2     Range: 7     To-hit:  +1/+1/+1
Torpedoes: --
Protection: 8/9
Notes: A follow-on to the Richelieu class. There were several main armament schemes considered. Statistics above assume an armament of 12 380mm guns in three quad turrets, including two fore (as in Richelieu class) and one aft. If adopted, this scheme would have been a further development of the Gascogne BB (the fourth Richelieu-class ship), whose two quad main battery turrets were distributed one forward and one aft.

Class:  St. Louis CA     Category: Cruiser
Movement: 3/3
Fire Control: III
Main Battery: 4L       Range: 8     To-hit:  0/+2/-1 
Secondary: U5    Range: 4    To-hit: --/-1/--
Torpedoes: 1/2
Protection: 4R
Notes: Successor to the Algerie CA, with Washington Treaty restrictions removed. Main armament was to consist of 9 203mm guns, in three triple turrets (two forward, one aft).


Class: "O, P, Q" BC      Category:   Capital Ship
Movement: 3/3
Fire Control: IV
Main Battery:  8VL       Range: 10    To-hit:  -1/0/-1
Secondary: 2     Range: 7    To-hit:  -1/0/-1
Tertiary: U5   Range: 4    To-hit: --/+1/--
Torpedoes: --
Protection: 4/6
Notes: A badly underarmored battlecruiser design which earned a derisive nickname of "ohne Panzerung quatsch," ("unarmored nonsense") after the preliminary letter names assigned to the three projected ships.

Class:  "M" CL     Category:   Cruiser
Movement: 4/3
Fire Control: III
Main Battery:  2       Range: 7     To-hit:   -1/+1/-1
Secondary:  U4    Range: 4     To-hit:  --/-1/--
Torpedoes: 1/2
Protection: 2F
Notes: A fairly mediocre light cruiser design, inferior to contemporary foreign counterparts. Although it represented an improvement in terms of speed over earlier German CLs, its main armament was reduced by one 150mm gun.

Class:  "Spaehkreuzer" CL     Category:   Cruiser
Movement: 4/3
Fire Control: III
Main Battery:  2       Range: 7     To-hit:   -2/0/-1
Torpedoes: 3
Protection: U7R
Notes: A fast but lightly armored cruiser intended as a fleet scout, an oceanic raider, or a destroyer flotilla leader.

Class: 1936C DD      Category: Escort   
Movement: 4/3
Fire Control: II
Main Battery:  U6       Range: 5     To-hit:  -1/+3/+1
Torpedoes: 4
Protection: U7
Notes: An evolutionary design derived from wartime German destroyers. In contrast to its predecessors, it was to have a dual-purpose main battery, consisting of six 128mm guns in three twin mounts, mounted one fore and two aft.


Class: Commandante Medaglie d'Oro DD      Category: Escort   
Movement: 4/3
Fire Control: II
Main Battery:   U7/1     Range: 5    To-hit:  -1/+1/-1
Torpedoes: 3
Protection: U6
Notes: A promising late-war destroyer design incorporating, for the first time, dual-purpose 135mm guns in four single mounts.


Class: B65 BC      Category: Capital Ship
Movement: 3/3
Fire Control: IV
Main Battery: 5VL       Range: 8    To-hit:  0/+2/-1
Secondary: U5    Range: 4    To-hit: --/+1/--
Torpedoes: 1/2 H
Protection: 5
Notes: Japan's projected response to the US Alaska class which, ironically, was itself designed as an "answer" to the projected (but as yet non-existent) Japanese "large cruiser" design. Visually, these ships would have resembled a scaled-down Yamato class.


Class:  Design 1047 BC     Category:   Capital Ship
Movement: 3/3
Fire Control: IV
Main Battery: 5VL        Range: 8    To-hit:  0/+2/-1
Secondary: U6     Range: 4     To-hit:  --/0/--
Torpedoes: --
Protection: 5
Notes: Designed with German assistance. Main armament would have consisted of German 280mm guns.

Soviet Union:

Class: Sovetskiy Soyuz BB     Category: Capital Ship
Movement: 3/2
Fire Control: IV
Main Battery: 9VL        Range: 10    To-hit:  0/+2/-1
Secondary: 2     Range: 6     To-hit:  --/0/--
Torpedoes: --
Protection: 9F
Notes: An ambitious design whose combat effectiveness, in view of the lack of Russian experience in capital ship design, would have probably been far less impressive than these statistics suggest.

Class: Kronshtadt BC     Category: Capital Ship
Movement: 3/3
Fire Control: IV
Main Battery: 5VL        Range: 10    To-hit:  0/+2/-1
Secondary: 2     Range: 6     To-hit:  --/-1/--
Torpedoes: --
Protection: 4F
Notes: An inadequately protected battlecruiser design, inspired by German Scharnhorsts.

Class:  "Cruiser X"  CA  Category:  Cruiser 
Movement: 4/3
Fire Control: III
Main Battery:  4L       Range: 10     To-hit:   0/+2/-1
Secondary:  U7/1   Range:  5    To-hit: --/0/--
Torpedoes: 1/2
Protection: 2F
Notes: A very poorly protected (for its size) albeit very fast raider with a large seaplane complement.

United Kingdom:

Class:  Lion BC     Category: Capital Ship
Movement: 3/3
Fire Control: V
Main Battery: 9 VL      Range: 10   To-hit:  0/+2/-1
Secondary: U7/1     Range:  5    To-hit:  --/+1/--
Torpedoes: --
Protection: 8
Notes: An improvement on the Prince of Wales class, with thicker armor and main armament of 9 406mm guns.

United States:

Class: Montana BB      Category: Capital Ship
Movement: 3/2
Fire Control: V
Main Battery: 9 VL     Range: 10    To-hit:  0/+3/0
Secondary: U6     Range:  5   To-hit:   --/+2/--
Torpedoes: --
Protection: 9 R
Notes: Arguably the most powerful battleship design ever.

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Mike J.
The J-8 Shop
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