Fleet Quality Rules and Ship Codes

    Great Britain
    United States

Ship Rating Methodology

Return to Corpen: 1889 Main Rules

Fleet crew quality ratings are identical to those in GDW's Ironclads and Ether Flyers (I&EF). These values should be interpreted as representing the average quality of the fleet. In all navies there are ships that depart from the norm, either for the better or for the worse, and scenario designers ought to feel free to assign crew quality values accordingly.

Ship class codes are also the same as in I&EF:
BSI: Broadside Ironclad; CBI: Central Battery Ironclad; TBS: Turret Battleship; CDM: Coast Defense Monitor; AC: Armored Cruiser; PC: Protected Cruiser; LC: Light Cruiser; FG: Frigate; CV: Corvette; SL: Sloop; TB: Torpedo Boat; TGB: Torpedo Gunboat; TR: Torpedo Ram; AGB: Armored Gunboat; GV: Gun Vessel; GB: Gunboat

Crew Quality: Green

Class: Almirante Brown CBI     Size:  Lr
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 3
Main Battery:    3*     Range:  5/2/1    To-hit:  +2/-1/0
Secondary Battery:  U5* B   Range: 3/1/--    To-hit:  --/0/--
Evasion: 0/+1

Class:   Patagonia PC    Size:  Mr
Movement: 3/3
Protection: U5/1
Main Battery:    4  L   Range:  7/3/1    To-hit:  -2/-2/--
Secondary Battery: 2    Range: 5/2/1    To-hit:  --/-2/-3
Tertiary Battery:  U4 B   Range: 3/1/--  To-hit: --/-2/--
Evasion: 0/0

Class:  La Plata CDM     Size:  Mr
Movement: 2/2
Protection: 1
Main Battery:  3*  L     Range:  5/2/1    To-hit:  -2/-2/-2
Secondary Battery:  U5* B  Range: 3/1/--    To-hit:  --/-2/--
Tertiary Battery: U5 H    Range:  2/1/-- To-hit: +2/+2/+2
Evasion: 0/+1

Crew Quality: Trained

Class:  Tegetthoff CBI     Size:  VL
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 6
Main Battery:  5*  VL  B   Range: 6/3/1     To-hit:  -1/0/-1
Secondary Battery:  U5* B   Range:  3/1/--   To-hit: -1/-1/-- 
Tertiary Battery: U2 H    Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +1/+1/+1
Evasion: 0/+2

Class:   Kronprinz Erzherzog Rudolf TBS    Size:  VLr
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 6
Main Battery:  5   VL    Range: 8/4/2     To-hit:  -1/-1/-1
Secondary Battery: U4    Range:  5/2/1   To-hit:  --/0/--
Tertiary Battery: U2 H    Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes:  1F, 1R, 1L, 1A 
Evasion: 0/+2

Class:  Panther PC     Size:  M
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U5/1
Main Battery: U5        Range: 4/2/1     To-hit:  -1/-2/-1
Secondary Battery: U2 H     Range: 2/1/--    To-hit:  +2/+2/+2
Torpedoes:    1F, 1L, 1R, 1A
Evasion: 0/-1

Class:  Kukuk TB     Size:  VS
Movement: 4/4
Protection: U2
Main Battery: U2  H      Range:  2/1/--    To-hit:  -1/-1/-1
Torpedoes:    2F, 2FL, 2 FR
Evasion: -3/-3

Crew Quality: Green

Class:  Riachuelo TBS     Size:  VL
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 4
Main Battery:  4 L B       Range:  7/3/1    To-hit: +1/-1/+1 
Secondary Battery: U6/1 B    Range:  5/2/1   To-hit:  --/0/--
Tertiary Battery: U1 H    Range:2/1/--   To-hit: +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes:    2F, 1R, 1L, 1A
Evasion: 0/+1

Class:   Javary CDM    Size:  L
Movement: 2/2
Protection: 4
Main Battery:   4* L     Range: 6/3/1     To-hit:  --/+1/--
Secondary Battery: U1 H    Range: 2/1/--    To-hit:  -1/-1/-1
Evasion: 0/+2

Crew Quality: Trained

Class: Almirante Cochrane CBI      Size:  L
Movement: 3/2
Protection: 3
Main Battery: 4* L B        Range: 5/2/1     To-hit: +1/0/-1 
Secondary Battery:  U4* B   Range: 3/1/--    To-hit:  --/-1/--
Tertiary Battery:     Range:   To-hit:
Evasion: 0/+1

Class:  Esmeralda PC     Size:  M
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U6/1
Main Battery:   4 L    Range: 7/3/1     To-hit:  -2/-1/-2
Secondary Battery: 2    Range: 5/2/1    To-hit:  -1/0/-1
Tertiary Battery: U3    Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: -2/-2/-2
Torpedoes:    1F, 1R, 1L
Evasion: 0/-1

Crew Quality: Green

Class:   Ting Yuen TBS    Size:  VL
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 6
Main Battery:   5*  VL    Range:  6/3/1    To-hit:  -1/+1/--
Secondary Battery: 2+    Range:  4/2/1   To-hit:  -2/-1/-2
Torpedoes:    1F, 1L, 1R
Evasion: 0/+2

Class:   Ping Yuan AC    Size:  M
Movement: 2/2
Protection: 3
Main Battery:  4  L     Range: 7/3/1     To-hit:  -2/-2/--
Secondary Battery: 2 B   Range: 5/2/1    To-hit: -1/-2/-1 
Torpedoes:  1F, 1R, 1L, 1A 
Evasion: 0/+1

Class:  Kai Che LC     Size:  M
Movement: 3/3
Protection: U5
Main Battery:  3  L     Range:  7/3/1    To-hit:  -1/-1/--
Secondary Battery: U5     Range: 4/2/1    To-hit: -2/+1/0 
Evasion: 0/0

Crew Quality: Crack

Class: Courbet CBI      Size:   VL
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 5
Main Battery:  6* VL  B  Range: 7/3/1     To-hit:  -1/-1/-1
Secondary Battery:  4* L B  Range: 6/3/1    To-hit:  0/-1/0
Secondary Battery:  U6/1* B   Range:  4/2/1   To-hit: --/0/--
Tertiary Battery: U2  H Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +1/+1/+1
Torpedoes:  2F, 1R, 1L, 1A 
Evasion: 0/+2

Class:  Amiral Baudin TBS     Size:  VLr
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 8
Main Battery:  6 VL      Range:  9/4/2    To-hit:  -2/0/-2
Secondary Battery: 2 B    Range:  5/2/1   To-hit: -1/-1/-1
Secondary Battery:  1/U6 B  Range: 5/2/1    To-hit: --/0/-- 
Tertiary Battery:  U2 H   Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes:    2FL, 2FR
Evasion: 0/+2

Class: Furieux CDM       Size:  L
Movement: 3/2
Protection: 5
Main Battery:  6  VL     Range:  9/4/2    To-hit:  -2/-1/-2
Secondary Battery: U2  H  Range: 2/1/--    To-hit:  +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes:    2FL, 2FR
Evasion: 0/+1

Class:  Vauban AC     Size:  Lr
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 4
Main Battery: 4   L     Range: 7/3/1     To-hit: -1/0/-2 
Secondary Battery: 1/U6  B  Range: 5/2/1    To-hit:  --/0/--
Tertiary Battery: U2 H    Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes:  1FR, 1FL 
Evasion: 0/+1

Class:  Sfax PC     Size:  Lr
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U6/1
Main Battery: 2 B        Range: 5/2/1     To-hit:  +1/-1/-1
Secondary Battery: 1/U6  B  Range: 5/2/1    To-hit:  --/+2/--
Tertiary Battery: U2 H    Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +2/+2/+2
Torpedoes:  1F, 2FL, 2FR 
Evasion: 0/0

Class:  Davout PC     Size:  Mr
Movement: 4/4
Protection: U5/2
Main Battery: 2        Range: 5/2/1     To-hit:  0/+1/0
Secondary Battery: U5 B    Range: 4/2/1    To-hit: --/-1/-- 
Tertiary Battery: U2 H    Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: -1/-1/-1
Torpedoes:    1F, 2RB, 2LB, 1A
Evasion: 0/-1

Class:  Milan LC     Size:  S
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U5
Main Battery:  U5       Range: 4/2/1     To-hit:  0/0/0
Secondary Battery:  U2 H   Range: 2/1/--    To-hit:  +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes:    1FR, 1FL
Evasion: -1/-1

Class: Condor TGB     Size:  S
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U5/1
Main Battery:  U5       Range: 4/2/1     To-hit:  +1/0/-
Secondary Battery: U2 H    Range: 2/1/--    To-hit: 0/0/0 
Torpedoes:  2FR, 2FL 
Evasion: -1/-1

Class: Coureur TB      Size:  VS
Movement: 5/4
Protection: U2
Main Battery: U2  H      Range:   2/1/--   To-hit:  -1/-1/-1
Torpedoes: 4F  
Evasion: -3/-3

Crew Quality: Crack

Class:   Sachsen TBS    Size:  VL
Movement: 3/2
Protection: 4
Main Battery: 4*  L      Range: 6/3/1     To-hit:  +1/+1/=1
Secondary Battery:  U4 B   Range: 4/2/1    To-hit: --/0/-- 
Tertiary Battery:  U2 H   Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +1/+1/+1
Evasion: 0/+2

Class:  Irene PC     Size:  L
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U6/2
Main Battery:  2 B       Range: 5/2/1     To-hit:  +1/+3/+1
Secondary Battery:  U2 H   Range: 2/1/--    To-hit:  0/0/0
Torpedoes:    1F, 1FR, 1FL
Evasion: 0/0

Class:  Wacht LC     Size:  S
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U5
Main Battery:  U5       Range:  5/2/1    To-hit:  0/-1/-1
Secondary Battery: U2  H  Range: 2/1/--    To-hit:  0/0/0
Torpedoes: 1F, 1FR, 1FL  
Evasion: -1/-1

Class:  D5 TB     Size:  VS
Movement: 5/4
Protection: U3
Main Battery:   U3  H    Range:  2/1/--    To-hit:  0/0/0
Torpedoes:  2F, 2FR, 2FL (2) 
Evasion: -3/-3

Class:   S7 TB    Size:  VS
Movement: 4/4
Protection: U2
Main Battery: U2   H     Range: 2/1/--     To-hit:  -1/-1/-1
Torpedoes:    2F, 2FR, 2FL (2)
Evasion: -2/-2

Great Britain
Crew Quality: Crack

Class: Inflexible TBS      Size:  VL
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 8
Main Battery:          7*   VL        Range: 8/4/2      To-hit: -1/+1/-1 
Secondary Battery: U5 B       Range: 4/2/1      To-hit: --/0/-- 
Tertiary Battery:      U1  H        Range: 2/1/--     To-hit: +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes: 2F, 1R, 1L  
Evasion: 0/+2

Class:  Admiral TBS     Size:  VL
Movement: 4/3
Protection: 8
Main Battery:   6  VL    Range:  9/4/2    To-hit:  -1/+1/-1
Secondary Battery: 2 B    Range:  5/2/1   To-hit: --/0/-- 
Tertiary Battery:  U3  H Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes:    1F, 2L, 2R
Evasion: 0/+1

Class:  Nelson AC     Size:  L
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 3
Main Battery: 4*  L B     Range:  6/3/1    To-hit:  -1/+3/-1
Secondary Battery:  U5 B   Range: 5/2/1    To-hit:  --/0/--
Evasion: 0/+1

Class:  Orlando AC     Size:  L
Movement: 4/3
Protection: 4
Main Battery: 4  L      Range:  7/3/1    To-hit:  -2/-1/-2
Secondary Battery: 2  B  Range: 5/2/1    To-hit:  -1/+2/-1
Tertiary Battery:  U2 H  Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +2/+2/+2
Torpedoes:    1F, 2R, 2L
Evasion: 0/0

Class: Mersey PC      Size:  L
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U6/2
Main Battery:  3  L     Range: 7/3/1     To-hit:  -2/-1/-2
Secondary Battery: 2 B   Range: 5/2/1     To-hit:  -1/+2/-1
Tertiary Battery: U1 H    Range: 2/1/--   To-hit: +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes:  1R, 1L 
Evasion: 0/0

Class:  Medea PC     Size:  M
Movement: 4/4
Protection: U5/1
Main Battery: 2        Range:  5/2/1    To-hit:  -1/0/-1
Secondary Battery: U3  H  Range: 2/1/--    To-hit:  +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes: 1R, 1L  
Evasion: 0/-1

Class:  Archer LC     Size:  M
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U5
Main Battery:  2       Range: 5/2/1     To-hit: -1/0/-1 
Secondary Battery: U2 H   Range:  2/1/--   To-hit:  +2/+2/+2
Torpedoes:  1F, 1FR, 1FL 
Evasion: 0/-1

Class: Polyphemus TR      Size:  Sr
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U5/2
Main Battery:  U1  H     Range:  2/1/--    To-hit:  0/0/0
Torpedoes:    1F, 2R, 2L (18)
Evasion: -1/-1

Class:  Rattlesnake TGB     Size:  S
Movement: 4/4
Protection: U4
Main Battery:  U5       Range: 5/2/1     To-hit: -2/-2/-- 
Secondary Battery:  U2 H  Range: 2/1/--    To-hit:  0/0/0
Torpedoes: 1F, 1FR, 1FL, 1A  
Evasion: -1/-1

Class: Thornycroft TB-25   TB   Size:  VS
Movement: 4/4
Protection: U2
Main Battery: U1  H      Range: 2/1/--     To-hit: -1/-1/-1 
Torpedoes:    4FL, 4FR
Evasion: -2/-2

Class:   Yarrow TB-80  TB  Size:  VS
Movement: 5/4
Protection: U2
Main Battery:  U2  H     Range:  2/1/--    To-hit:  -1/-1/-1
Torpedoes:  2F, 2FR, 2FL 
Evasion: -3/-3

Crew Quality: Trained

Class:  Italia TBS     Size:  VL
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U7/4
Main Battery: 7  VL       Range: 10/5/2     To-hit:  -2/-1/-2
Secondary Battery: 2 B    Range:  5/2/1   To-hit:  -1/0/-1
Tertiary Battery: U2 H    Range:  2/1/--  To-hit: +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes:    1F, 1R, 1L, 1A
Evasion: 0/+1

Class: Ruggiero di Lauria TBS      Size:  VL
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 7
Main Battery: 7   VL     Range: 10/5/2     To-hit: -2/-1/-2 
Secondary Battery: U6/1    Range:  5/2/1   To-hit:  0/-1/0
Torpedoes:  1R, 1L 
Evasion: 0/+2

Class: Etna PC      Size:  M
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U6/1
Main Battery:    4*  L   Range: 6/3/1     To-hit: -2/-1/-2 
Secondary Battery:  2 B   Range:  5/2/1   To-hit:  -1/0/-1
Tertiary Battery: U2 H    Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +2/+2/+2
Torpedoes:    1FR, 1FL
Evasion: 0/-1

Class: Aquila (Schichau) TB     Size:  VS
Movement: 5/4
Protection: U2
Main Battery:  U2 H      Range:  2/1/--    To-hit: -1/-1/-1 
Torpedoes:  2F, 2FR, 2FL 
Evasion: -3/-3

Crew Quality: Trained

Class:  Fuso CBI     Size:  L
Movement: 3/2
Protection: 2
Main Battery: 4* L  B      Range:  5/2/1    To-hit:  -1/-1/-1
Secondary Battery: 2*  B  Range:  4/2/1   To-hit:  --/-2/--
Tertiary Battery:   U4 B  Range: 4/2/1  To-hit: --/0/--
Evasion: 0/+1

Class: Naniwa PC      Size:  M
Movement: 4/3
Protection: U5/1
Main Battery:  4*  L     Range: 5/2/1     To-hit:  -2/-1/-2
Secondary Battery: 2*    Range: 4/2/1    To-hit:  --/0/--
Tertiary Battery: U1 H    Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes:    2R, 2L
Evasion: 0/-1

Class:  Katsuragi CV     Size:  M
Movement: 3/2
Protection: U5
Main Battery:   3* B  L    Range:  5/2/1    To-hit: -1/-2/-- 
Secondary Battery: U5*    Range:  4/2/1   To-hit: --/0/-2 
Tertiary Battery:  U1 H   Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: -1/-1/-1
Torpedoes:    2F
Evasion: 0/0

Crew Quality: Trained

Class:   Minin CBI    Size:  L
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 2
Main Battery:  3* B L       Range: 5/2/1     To-hit:  -1/-1/-1
Secondary Battery:  2* L B   Range:  4/2/1   To-hit:  -1/+1/-1
Tertiary Battery:  U2 H  Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +1/+1/+1
Torpedoes:    2F, Spar
Evasion: 0/0

Class:  Petr Velikiy TBS     Size:  VL
Movement: 3/2
Protection: 4
Main Battery:  5*  VL     Range: 6/3/1     To-hit:  -1/+1/-1
Secondary Battery:  2*  B Range:  4/2/1   To-hit:  --/0/--
Tertiary Battery: U2 H   Range: 2/1/--   To-hit: +1/+1/+1
Evasion: 0/+2

Class:  Vitse-Admiral Popov   CDM  Size:  L
Movement: 2/1
Protection: 5
Main Battery:  5* VL       Range:  6/3/1    To-hit:  -1/-1/-1
Secondary Battery: U4*    Range: 3/1/--    To-hit:  +1/+1/+1
Tertiary Battery:  U2 H  Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: -2/-2/-2
Torpedoes:    Spar
Evasion: 0/+2

Class: General Admiral AC      Size:  L
Movement: 3/2
Protection: 1
Main Battery:  3* L B       Range: 5/2/1     To-hit:  -1/0/-1
Secondary Battery:  2*   Range: 4/2/1    To-hit: -2/--/-2 
Tertiary Battery:  U2 H   Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +1/+1/+1
Torpedoes:    1L, 1R
Evasion: 0/+1

Class:  Vladimir Monomakh AC     Size:  L
Movement: 3/3
Protection: 2
Main Battery:   3* B L      Range: 5/2/1     To-hit:  -1/+3/-1
Secondary Battery: 2*B    Range: 4/2/1    To-hit:  --/-1/--
Tertiary Battery: U2 H    Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +3/+3/+3
Torpedoes:    1F, 1R, 1L
Evasion: 0/+1

Class:  Pamyat Merkuria LC     Size:  M
Movement: 3/3
Protection: U6
Main Battery:  2  B     Range: 4/2/1     To-hit: 0/+1/0 
Secondary Battery: U2 H    Range: 2/1/--    To-hit:  +1/+1/+1
Torpedoes: 1R, 1L  
Evasion: 0/0

Class:  Kreyser SL     Size:  S
Movement: 3/2
Protection: U5w
Main Battery: 2*        Range:  4/2/1    To-hit: -2/0/-2 
Secondary Battery: U2 H  Range: 2/1/--    To-hit:  0/0/0
Torpedoes:   1R, 1L
Evasion: -1/-1

Class:  Koreyets GV     Size:  S
Movement: 3/2
Protection: U5
Main Battery: 3*  L B       Range:  5/2/1    To-hit:  -1/-2/--
Secondary Battery: U5* B    Range: 3/1/--    To-hit:  --/-1/-1
Tertiary Battery:  U2 H   Range: 2/1/--   To-hit: -1/-1/-1
Evasion: -1/-1

Crew Quality: Green

Class:  Messudieh CBI     Size:  VL
Movement: 3/2
Protection: 4
Main Battery:  4* B L       Range: 6/3/1     To-hit:  -1/+3/-1
Secondary Battery: 2* B    Range: 2/1/--    To-hit:  --/-1/--
Evasion: 0/+2

United States
Crew Quality: Crack

Class: Charleston PC      Size:  L
Movement: 4/4
Protection: U6/1
Main Battery:  3 L      Range: 7/3/1     To-hit:  -2/-1/-2
Secondary Battery: 2 B    Range:  5/2/1   To-hit:  -1/0/-1
Tertiary Battery: U2 H    Range: 2/1/--  To-hit: +2/+2/+2
Evasion: 0/0

Ship Rating Methodology

Ship ratings were derived using GDW's Ironclads and Ether Flyers and Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships, 1860-1905.

Size: Very Small: displacement under 500t. Small: 500-1500t Medium: 1500t - 3000t. Large: 3000t-6000t. Very Large: 6000t +.

Gunnery and Protection:

Gunnery rating
I&EF "New" Cannon and revolver cannon I&EF "Old" Cannon
I&EF Smoothbore Cannon Armored ships' protection:
I&EF Belt Armor Value, or armor thickness in inches divided by 2
Unarmored ships protection:
U1 MG       0-50t
U2 1-3pdr rev. cannon 1-3pdr 6pdr-9pdr   50-200t
U3 6pdr rev.cannon 6pdr 12pdr   200-500t
U4 3", 9pdr 3", 9pdr 24pdr   500-1000t
U5 4"-4.7" [100-120mm] 4"-4.7" 9", 32pdr   1000-2500t
U6/1 5.5" [140mm] 5.5" 10", 68pdr 2 2500-5000t
U7/2 6" [152mm] 6" 15" 3 5000t+
3 8" [203mm] 8"   4  
4 9"-10" [229-254mm] 9"-10"   5  
5 11"-12" [280-305mm] 11"-12"   6  
6 14" [356mm] 14"   7  
7 16", 17", 18" [406-457mm] 16", 17", 18"   8  
8       9 or higher  

Ships with in I&EF are armed with "old" weapons have their gunnery ratings marked with *. Batteries consisting of smoothbore weapons are marked with **.

If no weapons of a battery can fire into both broadside facings, mark that gunnery rating with B.

When calculating quick-firing revolving cannon firing arcs, divide the total number of revolving cannon by 2 and treat that number as the number of weapons that can fire into every firing arc.

Armored ships always have protection ratings of 1-7, whereas unarmored ones protection ratings of L1 through L7. Protection values are calculated in accordance with the chart above, using belt armor values (for armored ships) from I&EF or displacement tonnage (for unarmored ships). Ships like protected cruisers, which lack an armor belt but have an armored deck, are a special case. In such cases use the armored deck value instead of belt value to derive the long-range protection value. Determine point-blank and short range protection as if for an unarmored ship, using tonnage.

Ships with wooden hulls (with or without armor) have their Protection values marked with "w".

Each battery's to-hit modifier depends on the number of guns in the battery firing into each arc:
1 gun: -2, 2 guns: -1, 3 guns: 0, 4 guns: +1, 5 guns: +2, 6 guns: +3

Range: divide the range of the gun by 400m. The result is Long range. Long range/2 is Medium range, and Long range/4 is Point-blank range. If Long range value is 2 or less, the battery has a short range of 1 and no Point-blank range. Light weapons (up to 57mm) have range of 0, and can be used only against ships in the same hex.

Rate of fire (ROF): guns with caliber greater than 254mm (10") are considered to have Very Low rate of fire. 160mm-254mm guns have Low rate of fire. High rate of fire (H) is assigned only to machineguns and revolver cannon. All other weapons are considered to have Normal ROF. All smoothbore weapons have a Low rate of fire, with the exception of 10", 68pdr, and 15", which have a Very Low ROF.

Movement: Each movement point represents 2.5 knots. Divide the ship's top speed in knots by 2.5 to calculate the number of Movement points, rounding off fractions to the nearest integer. When the result is an odd number, the first movement phase movement allowance will be greater by 1 point than the second.

Evasion rating: Combination of Category and speed. The lighter and the faster the ship, the more difficult it is to hit with slow-firing, slow-training guns and torpedoes.
Size: Very Large: +2, Large: +1, Medium: 0; Small: -1 Very small: -2
Speed: 1-2: +2; 3-4: +1; 5-6: 0; 7+: -1;

Gunfire Evasion rating: calculated only for Very Small and Small vessels. All other sizes have Gunfire Evasion of 0.
Torpedo Evasion rating: add the Category and Speed modifiers above, record the end result unchanged.

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Mike J.
The J-8 Shop
Wargame Rules and Variants