NameRaritySite TypeOpp. DrawsYou DrawRegion
Dancing SpireU2Ruins & Lairs22Withered Heath
Dark-domain Wilderness Wilderness Wilderness
Nearest Darkhaven: Dol Guldur
Playable: Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)
Automatic-attacks: Dragon - 2 strikes with 11 prowess
Eagles' EyrieU2Free-hold21Anduin Vales
Dark-domain Border-land
Nearest Darkhaven: Dol Guldur
Playable: Information, Items (minor, major)
Automatic-attacks: Animals - 2 strikes with 10 prowess (attacker chooses defending characters)
Wilderness Wilderness Wilderness
Nearest Darkhaven: Geann a-Lisch
Playable: Information, Items (minor, major, greater)
Automatic-attacks (2): Elves - 4 strikes with 7 prowess; Dúnedain - 3 strikes with 10 prowess
Special: Any company moving to this site has its hazard limit increased by 2. A minion company may not attack another company at this site. A Ringwraith may not move to this site.
FramsburgR2Ruins & Lairs21Anduin Vales
Dark-domain Border-land
Nearest Darkhaven: Dol Guldur
Playable: Items (minor)
Automatic-attacks: Men - 1 strike with 10 prowess
Special: The first minor item played at this site each turn does not tap the site. Contains a hoard.
The Gem-deepsR2Ruins & Lairs32Under-deeps
Adjacent Sites: Glittering Caves (0), The Pûkel-deeps (9), The Under-gates (6)
Playable: Items (minor, major, gold ring)
Automatic-attacks (2): Undead (1st attack) - 3 strikes with 9 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic- attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold.
Special: Any Undead creature or Pûkel-creature may be played at this site.
Gold HillU2Ruins & Lairs22Withered Heath
Dark-domain Wilderness Wilderness Wilderness
Nearest Darkhaven: Dol Guldur
Playable: Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)
Automatic-attacks: Dragon - 1 strike with 15 prowess
Grey HavensR2Free-hold32Lindon
Shadow-land Wilderness Free-domain
Nearest Darkhaven: Carn Dûm
Playable: Information, Items (minor, major, greater)
Automatic-attacks (2): Elves - 3 strikes with 8 prowess; Elves - 2 strikes with 10 prowess
Special: Any company moving to this site has its hazard limit increased by 2. A minion company may not attack another company at this site. A Ringwraith may not move to this site.
HimringU2Ruins & Lairs33Elven Shores
Wilderness Coastal Coastal
Nearest Darkhaven: Geann a-Lisch
Playable: Items (minor, major)
Automatic-attacks: Undead - 1 strike with 8 prowess, each character wounded must make a corruption check modified by -2
Special: An overt company must tap an untapped character (if available) if this site is revealed as its new site.
IrerockU2Ruins & Lairs22Withered Heath
Dark-domain Wilderness Wilderness Wilderness
Nearest Darkhaven: Dol Guldur
Playable: Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)
Automatic-attacks: Dragon - 1 strike with 14 prowess
The Iron-deepsU2Dark-hold11Under-deeps
Adjacent Sites: Carn Dûm (0), The Under-leas (5), The Under-vaults (6)
Playable: Items (minor)
Automatic-attacks: Trolls - 3 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment)
Isle of the UlondU2Ruins & Lairs22Andrast Coast
Wilderness Wilderness Coastal
Nearest Darkhaven: Geann a-Lisch
Playable: Information, Items (minor, major)
Automatic-attacks: Dragon - 1 strike with 14 prowess
Special: An overt company must tap an untapped character (if available) if this site is revealed as its new site.
Isles of the Dead That LiveU2Ruins & Lairs21Eriadoran Coast
Wilderness Coastal
Nearest Darkhaven: Geann a-Lisch
Playable: Items (minor, major, gold ring)
Automatic-attacks: Undead - 2 strikes with 8 prowess, each character wounded must make a corruption check modified by -2
Special: A covert company must tap an untapped character (if available) if this site is revealed as its new site.
LórienR2Free-hold42Wold & Foothills
Dark-domain Shadow-land Wilderness
Nearest Darkhaven: Dol Guldur
Playable: Information, Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)
Automatic-attacks (3): Elves - 4 strikes with 8 prowess; Elves - 3 strikes with 9 prowess; Elves - 2 strikes with 10 prowess
Special: Any company moving to this site has its hazard limit increased by 2. A minion company may not attack another company at this site. A Ringwraith may not move to this site.
Old ForestU2Border-hold22Cardolan
Shadow-land Wilderness Wilderness
Nearest Darkhaven: Carn Dûm
Playable: Items (minor, major)
Automatic-attacks: Maia - 2 strikes with 15 prowess (cannot be canceled)
Ovir HollowU2Ruins & Lairs22Grey Mountain Narrows
Dark-domain Wilderness Wilderness Shadow-land
Nearest Darkhaven: Dol Guldur
Playable: Items (minor, major)
Automatic-attacks: Dragon - 1 strike with 12 prowess
The Pûkel-deepsR2Ruins & Lairs32Under-deeps
Adjacent Sites: Dunharrow (0), The Gem-deeps (9), The Sulfur-deeps (9)
Playable: Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)
Automatic-attacks (2): Pûkel-creature (1st attack) - 2 strikes with 11 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold
Special: Any Undead creature or Pûkel-creature may be played at this site.
RhosgobelR2Free-hold11Southern Mirkwood
Nearest Darkhaven: Dol Guldur
Playable: Information, Items (minor)
Automatic-attacks (2): Maia - 1 strike with 13 prowess; Maia - 1 strike with 13 prowess.
Special: If the Wizard card Radagast is in play, the automatic-attacks are removed.
Shadow-land Wilderness
Nearest Darkhaven: Carn Dûm
Playable: Information, Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)
Automatic-attacks (2): Elves - 4 strikes with 8 prowess; Dúnedain - 3 strikes with 10 prowess
Special: Any company moving to this site has its hazard limit increased by 2. A minion company may not attack another company at this site. A Ringwraith may not move to this site.
The Sulfur-deepsU2Dark-hold11Under-deeps
Adjacent Sites: Dol Guldur (0), The Under-courts (4), The Pûkel-deeps (9), The Under-gates (4), The Under-galleries (7)
Playable: Items (minor)
Automatic-attacks: Trolls - 2 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment)
TolfalasU2Ruins & Lairs22Mouths of the Anduin
Shadow-land Wilderness Wilderness Coastal
Nearest Darkhaven: Minas Morgul
Playable: Items (minor, major, greater*) * - Scroll of Isildur only
Automatic-attacks: Undead - 3 strikes with 7 prowess, each character wounded must make a corruption check modified by -2
Special: An overt company must tap an untapped character (if available) if this site is revealed as its new site.
The Under-courtsU2Dark-hold11Under-deeps
Adjacent Sites: Barad-dûr (0), The Sulfur-deeps (4), The Under-galleries (4)
Playable: Items (minor)
Automatic-attacks: Trolls - 3 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment)
The Under-galleriesU2Dark-hold22Under-deeps
Adjacent Sites: Any site in Udûn (0), The Under-courts (4), The Sulfur-deeps (7)
Playable: Information, Items (minor)
Automatic-attacks: Trolls - 4 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment)
The Under-gatesU2Shadow-hold22Under-deeps
Adjacent Sites: Moria (0), The Under-grottos (7), The Gem-deeps (6), The Sulfur-deeps (4), Under-leas (5)
Playable: Items (minor, major)
Automatic-attacks (2): Balrog (1st attack) - 2 strikes with 16 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Ruins & Lairs
Special: Non-Nazgûl creatures played at this site attack normally, not as detainment. If a manifestation of Balrog of Moria is in play or defeated, the first automatic-attack is canceled.
The Under-grottosU2Ruins & Lairs31Under-deeps
Adjacent Sites: Goblin-gate (0), The Under-leas (7), The Under-gates (7)
Playable: Items (minor, major, gold ring)
Automatic-attacks (2): Orcs (1st attack) - 4 strikes with 7 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold
Special: When a gold ring is tested in a company at this site, the result of the roll is modified by +1.
The Under-leasU2Shadow-hold22Under-deeps
Adjacent Sites: Mount Gundabad (0), The Iron-deeps (5), The Under-grottos (7), The Under-gates (5), The Under-vaults (6)
Playable: Items (minor, major)
Automatic-attacks (2): Orcs (1st attack) - 5 strikes with 7 prowess (detainment against overt company); (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic- attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Ruins & Lairs
Special: Non-Nazgûl creatures played at this site attack normally, not as detainment.
The Under-vaultsU2Ruins & Lairs21Under-deeps
Adjacent Sites: Mount Gram (0), The Iron-deeps (6), The Under-leas (6)
Playable: Items (minor, major)
Automatic-attacks (2): Undead (1st attack) - 3 strikes with 8 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold
Special: Any Undead creature may be played at this site.
WeathertopU2Ruins & Lairs11Arthedain
Shadow-land Wilderness
Nearest Darkhaven: Carn Dûm
Playable: Information
Automatic-attacks: Wolves - 2 strikes with 6 prowess
Dark-domain Shadow-land Wilderness Wilderness
Nearest Darkhaven: Dol Guldur
Playable: Items (minor, major)
Automatic-attacks (2): Awakened Plant - 2 strikes with 10 prowess, Awakened Plant - 2 strikes with 10 prowess