Promotional Cards
From ME:The Wizards (Limited)
Title: Black Arrow
Type: Minor Item (hero)
Text:Warrior only. Tap Black Arrow to give -1 to the prowess and body of any one attack against bearer's company. When Black Arrow is tapped, discard it if its bearer is not a man.
CP: 1
Title: The Iron Crown
Type: Greater Item (hero)
DI: [+4]
P/B: -/(+1)
Text: Unique. Whenever bearer makes an influence check, he must also make a corruption check. If the bearer is not a Hobbit: he recieves +1 to body to a maximum of 10; he recieves +4 to direct influence; and he may tap The Iron Crown to cancel an attack by Orcs, Trolls, or Men against his company.
CP: 5
Title: Fury of the Iron Crown
Type: Hazard Short-Event
Text: Unique. May not be played if The Iron Crown is in play. The prowess of one strike of an attack by an Orc, Troll, Man, or Nazgul creature is increased by +4. After the attack is resolved, if the creature is not a Nazgul: the creature is removed from play (defender recieves the marshalling points); and , in addition, if the defender has The Iron Crown in his hand, he may immediately play it with a character in the defending company.
Title: Neeker-Breekers
Type: Hazard Creature
MP: 1
Keyable to: BL, W, SL, DD, R&L.
P/B: 7/-
Text: Animals. Each character in the company faces one strike. His prowess against such a strike is equal to his mind attribute. Any character that would normally be wounded is only tapped instead - no body checks are made.
From ME:The Wizards (Unlimited)
Title: Fatty Bolger
Type: Hero Character
MP: 1
Mind: 3
DI: 0
Race: Scout Hobbit
P/B: 1/8
Text: Unique. Unless he is one of the starting characters, he may only be brought into play at his home site. All of his corruption checks are modified by +1. He can tap to cancel a strike against another Hobbit in his company.
Home Site: Bag End
From ME:The Dragons
Title: Ireful Flames
Type: Hazard Permanent-Event
Text: Affects the following sites: The Lonely Mountain, Irerock, Zarak Dum, and Gold Hill. For any item to be played at one of these sites, its player must remove an item in his hand from play that would itself be playable at the site. Cannot be revealed as an on-guard card. Discard Ireful Flames when any playdeck is exhausted.
Title: Stormcrow
Type: Hazard Permanent-Event
Text: The direct influence of each Wizard is reduced by 2 (by 4 if Doors of Night is in play). Discard all resource permanent-events that have been played on each company with a Wizard (i.e., on the company as a whole, not individual characters, e.g., Fellowship). No such cards may be played on each Wizard's company. Discard this card when any play deck is exhausted. Cannot be duplicated.
From ME:Dark Minions
Title: Angmar Arises
Type: Hazard Permanent-event
Text: Any creature that can be keyed to a Shadow-land may be keyed to Forochel, Arthedain, Angmar, Gundabad, or Rhudaur. Any creature that can be keyed to a Dark-domain may be keyed to Angmar or Gundabad. Discard this card when a creature keyed to one of these regions (not to the region symbol) is defeated.
Title: Never Seen Him
Type: Hazard Permanent-event
Text: Playable on an agent. Target agent may take an extra agent action (which does not count against the hazard limit) each time he normally takes an agent action. Cannot be duplicated on a given agent.
Title: Bill Ferny
Type: Minion agent
MP: 1
Mind: 3
DI: 1
Race: Warrior/Scout Man
Text:Unique. Agent.
Home Site: Bree, Cameth Brin
From ME: The Lidless Eye
Title: The Arkenstone
Type Greater Item (minion)
MP: 3
DI: [+5]
Text: Unique. +5 to bearer's direst influence against Dwarves and Dwarf factions. Each Dwarf in play has +1 mind. If the bearer of this item is at the same site as a Dwarf character, you may discard this item to force the discard of the Dwarf (and all cards he controls).
CP: 3
Title: Deadly Dart
Type: Minor Item (minion)
Text: Scout only: Tap Deadly Dart to give -1 body and -1 strike (to a minimum of one) to an automatic attack or to a hazard creature keyed to a site. Tap its bearer or discard Deadly Dart when it is tapped.
May also be used as a hero resource (i.e. included in a Wizard's deck), but may not be included with a hero starting company.
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