(Currently this story (or stories, I should say) is (are) in full production, and will be finished next.)
(Plot sketches are pretty much done, fleshing out is the immense task ahead now.)
(Prologue and Frame: Done, Chip: 20%, Dale: 8%, Gadget: 6%, Monty/Zipper: 4%, Epilogue: Done)
(C) 2001, 2002 Rennod, except as noted in the stories' disclaimer.
The "One Year Vacation" concept and original frame story belong to Steve "Strider" Stone
This page and all works referenced from this page are ©2000, 2001, 2002 to Rennod, unless otherwise noted. I do NOT grant Microsoft, MSN, Yahoo, or GeoCities any rights to do anything with these works except store or retain them in my account and back them up normally as any other account would be handled. The Rescue Rangers and their principal characters are copyright, trademark, and the like to Disney and/or their licensees, and are currently being used without permission, but with respect and without profit of any kind to the author.