(Black screen)
Annc: Tonight . . . exclusively on FOX . . .
(Fade to a grainy TV screen shot of a wood grain background with color RR symbol carved into it)
Annc: Once they graced the small screen . . .
(Fade back to black)
Annc: Only to fade away . . .
Annc: . . . until now. You've all had your favorites . . .
(Cut to footage of Jeff Parkes wearing a flyer's cap and goggles, a Monty T-shirt, and holding a picture of Monty)
Jeff: Monterey Jack! Yeah!!
Annc: . . . and your not-so-favorites . . .
(Cut to footage of Julie Bihn flinging numerous examples of Ginsu's finest at a large wooden cutout of Chip several yards away.)
Julie: Gadget - Unnh! (thwack!) - doesn't - Uhhhnnn! (thwack!) - NEED - Rruuunnnhh! (ka-THUNK!) - You!! Rrraahhh! (Whack!Whop!Whack!Crack!KRUNCH!)
(Julie continues flinging ever larger blades. . . )
Annc: . . . some have accepted their loss . . .
(Cut to shot of several kids shrugging and tossing Rescue Ranger figurines in the trash as they leave.)
Annc: . . . and some haven't . . .
(A bunch of us Ranger fans dive headfirst into the trash, digging frantically as the shot transitions...)
Annc: There's been speculation . . .
(Cut to shot of The J.A.M. and Indy holding partially written stories, argu-- er, discussing storylines)
J.A.M.: I didn't "WARP!!" all the way down here just to hear you argue about how they couldn't have gone to Iceland before they got shrunk down and visited the mealworm people!
Indy: Fine, fine, another time. But you have to admit, you've got them out of character when you had them tie up that anteater.
J.A.M.: I explained that back in chapter 31!
(Kevin Sharbaugh sticks his head in the door)
Kevin: You know, if they'd only --
Indy & J.A.M.: Not now, Kevin!
Kevin: Right. (withdraws, closes door)
Annc: . . . and arguments . . .
(Cut to split shot of Michael Demcio and Dillon Harrigan)
Michael: Gadget & Chip!
Dillon: Gadget & Dale!
Michael: Gadget & Chip!
Dillon: Gadget & Dale!
(they begin bonking each other on the head, arguing faster and faster, just like our two favorite chipmunks . . .)
Annc: . . . but now . . .
(Fast sharp cut to a black screen and dead silence!)
Annc: . . . we get to see . . .
Annc: . . . the REAL story. . . . .
(shot of Gadget gasping in shock, both hands clasped over her mouth)
(shot of Chip diving to make a save, mouthing, "NO!")
(shot of Dale ducking and covering)
(shot of Monty and Zipper, shaking their heads, going "tsk tsk tsk")
Annc: . . . and brand new adventures . . . you're sure to love.
(quick-changing montage of video clips played at a rate faster than a hummingbird's heartbeat, a-la MTV/VH-1 or most movie teasers these days)
Gadget (voice-over): Rescue Rangers, Away!
Dale (voice over, Tarzan-like): Pis-ta-chi-oooooo!
(flash cut to black screen with RR logo)
Annc: Coming up after the X-Files and an all-new 24, next on FOX!
-- Rennod
This all started when someone posted a transcript of the upcoming "Scooby Doo" movie trailer and altered it to be for the Rangers. In response, "The J.A.M." wrote up his own little trailer, which went for an as-yet-unwritten adventure being "broadcast" as an "ABC Sunday Night Movie."
In an inspired bout of creativity, I wrote the piece above. I ficticiously used FOX as the "network broadcaster" for two reasons: 1) rumor has it they were supposed to pick up the series when Disney canned it, but the deal fell through, and 2) it was the channel the TV behind me was on at the time.
Putting the Ranger fans in it was only natural, I felt. Who else was keeping the memory of the show alive?
After I finished it, I realized it would make a good trailer for "Left For Posterity . . . " and resolved to put it here on the site when I could.
This page and all works referenced from this page are ©2000, 2001, 2002 to Rennod, unless otherwise noted. I do NOT grant Microsoft, MSN, Yahoo, or GeoCities any rights to do anything with these works except store or retain them in my account and back them up normally as any other account would be handled. The Rescue Rangers and their principal characters are copyright, trademark, and the like to Disney and/or their licensees, and are currently being used without permission, but with respect and without profit of any kind to the author.