Words From The Heart

Original Poetry From The Lady

This page is where I plan to share my thoughts and feelings with all of you. First I will recall for you some poetry I wrote many years ago, and then, since the muse has apparently returned to me, I will add some words I have written recently, and will continue adding new poems as I write them. So check back often if you are interested...


The windblown rain
Falls slanting down
Sheeting across
The asphalt road

The windblown clouds
drive ever on
Relieving unto the earth
Their load

And windblown, I,
In the midst of it all
Watch in silent wonder
My heart in thrall

To Know You Is To Love You

To know you is to love you
To love you is to care
To care is to hope
And to hope is to dream

To dream is to feel
To feel is to touch
To touch is to love
And I love you so much

Did Momma Ever Tell You?

Did momma ever tell you why
All good men were born to die?
Did she speak of the red, white, and blue
And what it means to me and you?

Did momma talk about the war
And what this countrys fighting for?
Democracy, thats what they say,
But then they look the other way.

Did momma ever tell you, boy,
What happened to your father?
Missing in Action, thats what they say-
Look for him? Bring him back? Why bother?

I guess momma never told you, little guy,
But all good men were born to die.
You're growing fast, it'll soon be your turn.
Won't these people ever learn?

Okay there are all the old ones I can recall at the moment.....more may be added as my memory clears. Next you will see some I have written recently, and those that I am writing almost daily it seems. I hope you are enjoying yourself, because I am!

Net Friends

Like invisible threads
We link hands around the world
And come together in friendship.

Our conversations vary from
Worldly to personal
Joyful to sorrowed
Definite to improbable

And yet the bonds grow stronger
And we rely on each other
For kind words, sympathy, and laughter

My friends, it may seem strange
To someone not familiar with our ways
That I could feel so close
To people whose faces I've never seen
Whose hands I've never grasped in friendship.
But each of you understands
And that is what matters
To me.

Sweet sleep eludes me
As my thoughts weave images of you
Your smile, your walk
Your laughter, your voice
I can't stop thinking of you

Throughout the days
My eyes follow you
Hoping for just a hint
That you notice me too
But you go about your days
Laughing, playing, living your life
With no thought of
This person, this girl, this woman
That thinks of nothing but you.
And so here I lie
Late at night, in the dark
Hoping somehow, someday
That you will look up at me
And be intrigued
Enough to look twice.

Whats in the stars for me?
I wonder where I'll be
Ten years from now---

Will I still be here
Still be alone?
If not, I wonder how.

My Life

My life stretches before me
And I try to see ahead
Wondering if I'll take
The proper path
To lead me to my destiny.

My life stretches behind me
And I look back
Wondering if I should have
Taken a different road.

And I can only do
What feels right from
Moment to moment
And not concern myself with
Tomorrow or yesterday.

The world outside is frozen
Inside her home she waits
Ice hanging from the branches
A fire upon the grate

Outside people hurry, bustle
She is quiet, contemplating
While the world rushes around her
She is content, for now, with waiting.

Some busy work lies in her lap
And her mind flies with the seasons
Back to the past when love was young
And she asked not for reasons.

A stolen kiss behind the barn
In church a solemn vow
A family loving, living, learning
Children grown and married now

And so she waits dressed in her best
For her own love to appear
For he has whispered in the night
That soon he will be here.


The world outside is changing
Ice melts and buds appear
Inside the house the grate is bare
But love did once dwell here.

I Caught a Fairy
I caught a fairy in a net
And held it up to see
And while I was admiring him
The fairy spoke to me

'Caught, I am, and fairly'
The fairy did decree,
'But if you will release me
A wish I'll grant to thee.'

I gently grasped the fairy's wings
And put him in a jar,
And off we went to my little house
It wasn't very far

The jar I set on the table,
Myself I sat in a chair,
And thunk my thoughts, and daydreamed
While I was sitting there.

The fairy waited patiently
While I considered all
The things that I could ask for,
And what might then befall.

Finally I said to him
'I truly do not know
What would be best to wish for,
So I'll just let you go.'

I freed him from the jar and then
He flitted up and out
And flew around the room times three,
But did not hurry out.

I held out my hand and he flew down
And landed gently there
And then looked up into my face
While his wings beat the air.

'A gift, indeed, I have for thee',
The fairy then did say,
'Aye, more than one, since you did freely
Set me on my way.'

And saying this, he gave to me,
To my great surprise,
Fairy kisses, numbering five
On lips, and ears, and eyes.

'The ears for hearing truly',
He did explain to me,
'The lips for speaking fairly,
The eyes, My world to see.'

Then he leaped up, and off he flew
Out of my cottage door,
While my senses reeled from
All there was to explore.

For that sweet kiss upon my eyes
Had opened up for me
A world of Magic, and of Faerie,
I never thought I'd see.

And so, dear reader, I tell thee true,
Though you may not believe,
Theres a fairy on your shoulder,
And he's picking at your sleeve.

I hope you enjoyed your visit and plan to come back again soon, as I said earlier the muse seems to be favoring me again and if you like what you have seen so far I am most pleased. Before you part I want to share one last rhyme with you, also original, but a spell rather than just a poem (being that I am the Lady Sorceress you should have expected this...)

Love and light and comfort
That is what we share
Warmth and hearth and home
Shimmer in the air

Family and friends
My magick I implore
May all that is of ill will
Be left outside the door

Inside, outside
Hither and yon
May the good things stay
And the bad be gone

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