Deanna Troi

Rank: Captain

Duties: Captain of the ship

Home: Betazed

Race: Betazoid

Education: University of Betazed/Starfleet Academy

Personal Data:

Parents: Lwaxana and Ian Andrew Troi

Born: 1937, March 29, 2336, Betazed Memorial Hospital

Academy dates are questionable. Had an affiar with William T. Riker in 2359 on Betazed. She has never met a chocolate ahe doesn't like. Posted on the *Enterprise-D* in 2364. Impersonated a Romulan in 2369. Promoted to Commander in 2370. Promoted to Captain in 2371 and given command of the *Hellraiser*. Has a degree in psychology. Often poses as ship's counselor for other crew members.

Psychologists Notes:

Strong empathic abilities. Can communicate telepathically with Betazoids and a few other races. Misses her relationship with Will Riker. Strong worries over the controversy surrounding her acquisition of her command.

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