The Ferengi Alliance

Welcome to Ferenginar, home of the amiable Ferengi businessmen. As you probably know, profit is our first and foremost drive in life..........Wait. Or is it?

The Ferengi society as we know it is dead.

Because of recent astronomical changes to the Ferengi society made by Grand Nagus Zek under the influence of Ishka, Ferenginar as portrayed on this database is nonexistent. Therefore, as an attempt to maintain sense in the universe and to profit off of the exhibit of Ferengi culture, this subspace database will offer you a nostalgical memorial on the lost ways of Ferengi citizens. I will also include legends and adventures of the Ferengi, as well as poetry. You can also submit your work to me if you have Ferengi-related stories, poems, top-tens, jokes,and insults.

Opportunity + Instinct = Profit:
Profiles of Ferengi characters

Our sacred Rules of Aquistion

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Sign here, hew-mons.

You've just sold yourself to an Orion slave trader. Really.
Take a look at what you signed yourself into.

The U.S.S. Jean-Luc Picard

CelesA little song from Final Fantasy III

Star Trek Links

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The Definition of History

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Contact me through my hailing frequency.

Subspace Database online since Jan. 18,1998.

This subspace database was created by Daimon Diane (a.k.a. Tora_Ziyal).

Database last updated on June 15, 1999.

Disclaimer: All the Star Trek(C) stuff belong to Paramount Pictures(C). Those Ferengi at Paramount need to review their Rules. What's wrong with free advertisement?

Yay. It's free.GeoCitiesWhat a way to do business. It's a wonder hew-mons ever made it past the Ice Age.