Mankind's doom reached to the stars, turning beauty to stone and freezing the tempest of the stars. The light reflected by the jewel became another answer in the firmament without the recourse of salvation. It was once the mighty of the mighty, but only those few know the reasons of the shrine to which they prayed when the evil befell them in their prime from the age-old world of man. The shadow black enveloped them in its enfolding, smothering waves of vicious non-light, with the creation a footstep away in time. The light, the flash, and They held sway once again, without the auspices of those
Elder Gods of old, who bequeathed to mankind the right to do as it pleases, and be damned!
© 1997 E.P. Berglund
First Appearance: Ibid, [March 1978] #21
First Online Appearance: The Readers Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos
NOTE: Readers wanting to read this entire cycle should go to CONCIOUSNESS
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