© 1998 James Ambuehl & Andrew D. Gable

(Freely translated from the original Japanese)

THE TOKYO EYE, Tokyo, Japan, 1954:

Recently, a fascinating yet terrifying document was found in the severely-charred remains of a pagoda here in Tokyo, authored by one Inoshiro Tsubaraya. Fortunately, the pagoda was one in a bad state of disrepair, long closed off to the public for some time now, and one awaiting eventual reconstruction. Strangely, the recovered document was the one thing left relatively untouched by the fire -- all else having been severely flame-blasted -- including the blackened bones of all that remains of Tsubaraya.

Tsubaraya was a mystic and an occultist of some repute -- and if any of his more outlandish statements can be credited, a self-professed master in some doctrine called 'Kaijuology,' which he had been give to say before his unfortunate demise was a science of the far-distant future which he claims to have looked upon himself.

But whether truly a madman -- or perhaps a mere charlatan -- the late Tsubaraya's bizarre fragmented testament does seem to have some bearing on events of late here in the Japan, as well as the rest of the world at large, those incidents centering around the vicinity of Odo Island in the Pacific, and the numerous reports of mysterious disappearances of ships at sea . . .

The document begins in mid-sentence, the preceding page or pages presumably destroyed in the mysterious fire:

. . . race is doomed as surely as if we had pulled the trigger ourselves. For we are not -- as fool science believes -- the Earth's original masters, we are in fact the merest fleas upon the back of the dog!

We live in an Age of Monsters. I know this to be true, for I alone have studied the outre ancient texts I found secreted in the depths of that obscure crevasse on Mt. Fuji, and I alone have read the rituals which have allowed me to see into the future.

And would that I had not!

As a warning, I transcribe here a few of those mad ravings which foretell what I myself have seen will come to pass.

First, from the blood-chilling TOHONOMICON:

A monstrous, fiery comet heralds their return:
Ghidorah, the Space Monster,
and his terribling sibling, cycloptic Gigan
wing their way through vast starry voids;
A chanting call awakens the Great One,
Mothra, Mistress of the Aether;
Deep in the Earth's crust,
Rodan shifts colossal pinions and awakes
amidst the shattering earth;
Great Megalon stirs in his lightless,
subterranean lair, and begins
his awesome ascent;
Ebirah, Master of the Deeps,
arises from its sunken citadel
far below the waves;
Aspiga scuttles forth from its dank,
web-choked cavern;
And there are countless others:
Come, Spiky Angurus; Leonine King Seesar!
Come, Serpentine Manda; Amorphous Hedorah!
Yet all are quelled before the awesome
Nuclear Might of the
King of the Monsters --
Ia! Godzilla!

And if that were truly not enough, here follows yet more from this blasphemous text:

Then in the final days will come the Mysterians eternal;
to spread their message and build the
Abhorred Automaton,
the one we call Mogera;
Come, ye trifold monstrosities of metal and glass!
The ones that Man will know as
MechaGodzilla and MechaKong,
aye, and Jet Jaguar;
And on the final day the monstrous lord
shall be joined by his Offspring,
the twice-accurs'd Minya,
the Toad of the Isle;
And with him do battle with the lord's shame,
The Twin Blasphemy that is called
Gigantis, ye Monstre of ye Flames . . .

And still more, from the likewise shuddersome BOOK OF DAIEIBON:

Earth shall be troubled by monsters and daemons multiform, and the seas shall be rough, and Men their doom shall meet. The Troublers of Men shall go by names yet seldom heard:

Lord Zigra, ye star-spawned monstrosity of the sea!
Gaos, ye glutter of gore, unfurl thy leathern wings!
Lord Jiger, ye hoary iguana of the deeps!
Come unto us, O Baragon, ye spiky dealer of doom!

Yet none of these Daemons, though with pow'r untold, can defeat the
Might of the One in the Earth; that Friend to All Man's Progeny;
Whirling Dealer of Pyrotechnic Doom -- that hideous fire-chelonian, the
eternal Gamera!
Ia! Ia! Gamera fhtagn!

Now you see your doom, O Man, do you not? And having left these hints so that whosoever finds this document may read from it and piece together the terrible, inescapable truth -- I shall stand atop this great tower I write this in like the mightiest wizards of old, and shall cast the rituals of beseechment to a higher power for the desperately hoped for salvation of all mankind. Though we are not truly worthy of the Guardians' attention, perhaps I can . . .

Wait! No! I know now that I was an utter fool to think that They would even let me pen this warning for the world to heed. For even now I see a fiery red streak hurtling across the nighted sky in my direction -- and I know that They have sent the Fire-Dragon back through time to silence me . . .

I shall write no more. But I leave behind this document, and these less than comforting words: Our future is bleak . . . but it is truly all we have.

The End

Forthcoming in The Deep Ones Speak: The James Ambuehl Interview

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