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Fantasy Index

Welcome to my home page. As some of you may have guessed, Piredon is not my real name but rather my internet alias. I have compiled a web empire of pages about various music groups and book series. The music groups are indexed under the music index and the books are indexed under the fantasy index. A further description can be found below...
The Music Index
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Fantasy Index - Fantasy series written by different authors are indexed under the theme of a world. Click on a certain land on the map to be transported there. David Eddings, Robert Jordan, and Terry Goodkind are the authors that I have covered so far. I like this new setup and urge you to see this page. 10/21/98

Music Index - Dave Matthews Band, The Cranberries, Third Eye Blind and Oasis. The interactive setup includes a cd rack and a description of each band. Even wooden side panels. 11/19/98

Webrings - Just a few webring fragments that used to be on this page but took too much time to load. 09/17/98

This page was created by Ed Durant 1998 All images were created by me for my use on this page. If you want to steal them, ask first.