transparent aligner Evenstar's Kingdom

My kingdom in a sphere

Welcome, traveller, to the kingdom of Evenstar. (Yes, my name is misspelled in my title graphic, but it's really cool and a good friend made it for me. So what?) If there is anything else you think I should add to my page or if you run across any problems, please email me and let me know. Otherwise...enjoy! Oh, and do take a minute to do the very, very short poll at the bottom of the page, will you? Helps me to know what you guys like and don't like so I can make my page even better. Thanks!
Oh, and here's my new site.
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List of authors Links About Evenstar Contribute to my story! My message boards on which to roleplay

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Here is a list of some of my favorite authors and some information about them and their books. If it seems that there isn't much there--I'm still looking, so be patient! You can use the Back button and Next button buttons as you go through the pages.
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And now for the part you've all been waiting for (yeah, right)-- the information about me! Click here
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I've started a story that I want you all to read and write the next part of. Until I can get a form up and running for this (which will, I promise you, take quite a while), email me your segments and I'll see if I can't post them. Just one thing--I do edit any and all entries before posting them. Keep this in mind if your entry doesn't look exactly like it did when you wrote it. I appreciate all the participation I get.
The First Chapter
The Second Chapter
The Third Chapter
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And now for the one and only pointless thing on my page. If you've ever seen "Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail", you'll understand.

Now go away or I will taunt you a second time!

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