Welcome to our
Honor Page
Honorary Members of Battlegroup
K'Lagg with cast from Earth Final Conflict at Toronto Trek.[Left to Right], Von Flores [aka. Sandoval],
Anita La Selva [aka. Zo'or],  K'Lagg [aka.K'Lagg],  Richard Chevolleau [aka. Augur], & Leni Parker [aka. Da'an]


Special Thanks to:
John V Schmidt of T w i s t e d H e a d s w a p T h e a t e r  for the use of these two photos below.

Who are these two fine looking warriors ?
Think you know !!
Email and tell us :
And yes as far as we are concerned they are both most
Honorary Members.
Right Guesses:
Lt. K'Dar tai-Veska
Left to Right:
H'Tung , G'ob L'in & K'Lagg with Majel Barrett Roddenberry [aka. Nurse Chapel]
and Robin Curtus [aka. Lt. Savok] at the Maritime Science Fiction Festival.

Andy Robinson [aka. Garak -DS9]
K'Lagg at Toronto Trek

Kahloth with Mayor Kelly 
at Halifax NS
parade of lights !!

Brad Dourif [aka. Ensign. Suder -Voy]
with Amy [aka. Cmdr. Kellien]
at Fantasticon..

Henry Darrow [aka. LtCmdr. Melk-tag]
with Amy & Lynda 
at Fantasticon .

K'Tagh with Robin Curtus 
[aka. Lt. Savok
at the 
Maritime Science 
Fiction Festival. 

K'Lagg  with David Prouse 
[aka.Darth Vader]
Maritime Science 
Fiction Festival

John Colicos [aka: KOR]
 Brian Thompson
[Lt. Klaag -TNG]
Henry Darrow
[aka. Kolopak Chocotey's Dad]
Herb Jefferson
[aka. Boomer -BattleStar Galactica]
Michael Forest
[aka. Apollo -TOS]
Craig Pinio
[KBB  Slave]
Tiny Ron
[aka. the Grand Nagus's butler on DS9]
Other members include:
Bev Richardson
Peter Jurasik
[aka. Londo Mollari -B5]
Stephen Furst
[aka. Vir Cotto -B5]
Wortham Krimmer
[aka. Emperor Cartagia -B5]
 J.G. Hertzler
[aka. Gen. Martok -DS9]
Hattie Hatridge
[Red Dwarf]
D.C Fontana
[author for Star trek]
Terry Angus
Mark Ockrand
[creator of the Klingon Language]
Jeff Rector
[aka. Alien on TNG "The Allegience"]

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STAR TREK and all related characters, names and materials, including the Star Trek Universe, Klingon, Symbols, Emblems and devices are all Copyright Paramount. This web site offered by Battlegroup a sci-fi fan organization, and is aimed at providing information of interest concerning this group's activities. No Copyright infringements is intended on our part for the use of Star Trek terminology, expressions and images that are held by Paramount, Viacom, the estate of Gene Roddenberry or any others.
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