Explains it all, doesn't it?  As you can see, this site is undergoing change.  Why, you may ask?  "Josh, you never finished the other one!  Get off your lazy butt and update Final Fantasy Squared!"  Well, I can't.  Nothing new is coming out of Square (anything that is good, anyway) and Final Fantasy 8 is still a ways away.  So, I'm expanding my site.  Final Fantasy Squared is still here, it is my Square section.  What you will start to see are sections based on the Young Jedi card game, the Star Wars CCG, Everquest, Baldur's Gate, and anything I can think of.  Don't look at it as an end, but rather more fun for me.

What's New?

7/2 - A design/name change!  More stuff means more fun!  (So says I)

Padawan's Guide to the Young Jedi CCG

Star Wars CCG


Baldur's Gate

Final Fantasy Squared (Square Games)

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Legal Stuff - Final Fantasy and the names associated with it are trademarks of Squaresoft. Midis, and some pics, are not mine, and will be taken down at the request of Squaresoft or their owners. If you find something that is yours, feel free to E-Mail me so that you may receive proper credit. The work to set up this stuff, however, is my OWN BLOOD, SWEAT, and TEARS! The setup for the copyrighted material is copyright of Josh Gardner, and cannot be reprinted in this exact way without my permission. So please, ask, you might be surprised by the answer.

© 1997 bullseyetm@hotmail.com

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