Animals of Gor

Treve, Gor / Seattle, WA.



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Though similar in build to the Yak of earth the Bosk bears the heavier form of the buffalo of earth and like him, provides, food, leather and many of the needs of the people of Gor. The meat may be roasted or broiled, dried, stewed or served in a myriad of ways.
Tabuk Swift gazelle like animals known for their sweet meat and speed... the Tabuk is generally served roasted
Tarsk similar to the earth pig in form and ecological niche, they are not a favored food, being carrion eaters, but, are a staple among the rence growers.
Tumits a large carnivorous bird of the plains, is hunted and eaten by the Nomadic people of Gor. Traditionally hunted with bolos the sport lies in whether you or the bird gets to eat that night.
Vulo a small bird similar to the chicken. .served roasted and spiced or baked in spice leaves.
Kaiila a carnivorous mammal, with a long neck and silky fur, stands 20-22 hands high. vicious from birth, deadly, sleek, carnivorous and fast. It is capable of being domesticated for riding in spite of its vicious nature. Capable of covering 600 pasangs (7/10 of a mile=1 pasang) in a day. The eyes are triple lidded against the sand storms of the desert regions. Its long hair is used to braid rope.
Marsh Shark Deadly fresh water hunter of the Gorean Marshes.. similar in shape to the shark of earth.
Sleen the deadly hunting dog of Gor...a cross between a weasel and a Komodo dragon- furred, with fangs that drip a deadly poison. 6 legged and tenacious they can track a trail days old as if it were fresh...rending and killing the object of the hunt. Sleen are pack animals and cared for only by their Masters so that they are not befriended by the slave who may try to escape.

Enormous relatives of the earth Golden eagle...some with a 50' wing span...they are bred in 2 types...

1.   War Tarns - heavier but agile, trained to aid in battle.

2.   Racing Tarns - slender, lighter birds bred for speed and endurance. Racing Tarns are also used by messengers to go from one city-state to another.

Thalarion Heavy, but swift these beast range nearly 40 hands in height..warm blooded reptiles...used in battle as shock troops, and a smaller bred cousin as draft animals on Gor. The Marsh Thalarion is not domesticated, but a vicious and voracious hunter.
Urts think reptilian rat. .the size of a terrier.
Vosk Sorp a giant clam...that thrives in the seas and Marshes of Gor...the shell of which is large enough to be used as a throne.


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