Welcome Aboard


Commanding Officer:
LtColonel. Kaloc sutai-Kurkura

Executive Officer:
Major. Sairack vestai-WoQ QIHwI'

Tectical Officer:
2nd Lieutenant. Istar Tweet


Additional crew;
Helm: Ensign. Paul Doe
Engineering: Ensign. Mik Frais
Medical: Ensign. Kaar Frais

Weapons Officer:
Lieutenant. Kahloth vestai-Kurkura

We are a Ship of the Line for Battlegroup
A short summary of why we command a Federation craft;
      During the Federation/Klingon war against the Dominion our former ship "IKV Havok" was destroyed, we were picked up by a passing by Federation Ship & taken to Outpost New Kittimiere, a small federation craft  was there under repairs, a defiant class, but it didn't have a command crew & it needed one badly, so we were given temporary command of it, After renaming her USS Havoc & along with a handful of junior federation officers willing to work with us we assumed command & set out for battle,  After winning many glorious battles with the Havoc & having her serve us so well, we decided to keep command of her until told otherwise by Federation/Klingon command,,,  so far no one has ask us to step down, so proudly we keep her fighting anxiously awaiting the next battle.
We are praud members of Battlegroup

Ready to serve!!

USS Havoc on a couple deep Space Missions into uncharted space.

A Special Thanks to Blood Wars for the use of these photos above.
Our most Honorary Member

Join us or die human space scum!
To Join the USS Havoc click here:
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STAR TREK and all related characters, names and materials, including the Star Trek Universe, Klingon, Symbols, Emblems and devices are all Copyright Paramount. This web site offered by Battlegroup a sci-fi fan organization, and is aimed at providing information of interest concerning this group's activities. No Copyright infringements is intended on our part for the use of Star Trek terminology, expressions and images that are held by Paramount, Viacom, the estate of Gene Roddenberry or any others.
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