My Beauty and the Beast Story

by Ricky Duval

Starring Louise Stokes as the Beauty and Ricky Duval as the BEAST

Once Upon a Time . . .

there was a beautiful woman who lived in a peaceful little village. She always seemed to be reading or studing, and some people felt this was rather odd.

One day, an evil man named Charles came to town. He was tall, strong, and thought he was the most wonderful thing to ever grace the face of God's green earth. One day he saw Beauty and immediately fell in love with her. He vowed to make her his wife.

Some time later, Beauty was taken prisoner and brought to an enchanted place called Furman University. Everyone there seemed to be so friendly and kind. There seemed to be something truly magical about this place. Little did she know there was a hideous Beast lurking in the shadows.

As she spent time there, she kept hearing about this "Thing" that lived with them in this enchanted world. It was a hideous Beast. For a while, she had been lucky enough to avoid this creature, but her luck would soon change. One day she came face to face with this hideous monster. He thought surely she was repulsed by the very sight of him, but he found her strangely attractive.

Charles found out about this Beast and vowed to destroy it. He laughed at the thought of a confrontation. Surely it would be no match for his superior strength and ability. And nothing would stand in the way of him and Beauty. She would soon be his.

As time went on, Beauty and the Beast began to see each other more often. And eventually they started spending time together. It began with having lunch with some of their friends from their Enchanted World, but eventually they started dining alone and taking walks through the rose garden.

When winter came, the land was blanketed with a sheet of pure white snow. Beauty and the Beast decided to go outside and enjoy it. While they were out there, things began to change. He would hold her hand so she wouldn't fall on the ice. And when he reached for it, she didn't pull away. And when they were holding hands, he was reluctant to let go.

She began to see something in him that she hadn't seen before. He was being sweet and gentle. He was actually almost kind. And the Beast thought he recognized that look in Beauty's eyes. He tried to deny it. "No. It couldn't be. There's no way this could be happening. I'm just imagining -- just hoping." But the more they spent time together, the more they just couldn't deny what was happening.

But time was running out. Something had to be done, and soon. The Beast was dying inside. Only one thing -- one person -- could save him now. But would it be too late?

One night, out in the bitter cold, the Beast was barely hanging on to the feeble existence he called his life. He was on the verge of giving up. It was now or never. If she couldn't love him, he would be doomed to remain a Beast for all time and live out the rest of his life in isolation.

He took Beauty out for a walk under the stars. He looked into her sparkling green eyes, took her by the hand, and professed his love for her. She embraced him and told him of her love for him as well.

Beauty noticed an immediate change in the Beast. He was no longer a hideous monster. Her love had changed him forever. Her love transformed him into a loving, caring, handsome Prince.

The evil Charles was confronted and would no longer be a problem for either Beauty or the Beast. He would cause trouble in their lives no more.

Everyone living in the Enchanted Kingdom welcomed the new couple with open arms. All was right with the world. This was surely how things were meant to be.

And They Lived Happily Ever After . . .

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