Personal Bio:
Name: Joshua Carpenter (Josh)
Date of Birth: April 15, 2001
Place of Birth: Pensacola, FL
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 191 lbs.
Personal Information:
Born to an upper middle-class family from Titusville, FL, Joshua would often travel to the NASA facility nearby, wanting to be involved in the space program. After high school, he put himself through college, majoring in Physics and Mathematics. He then joined the Air Force, where his expert skill as a pilot was immediately recognized by his superiors. He was then transferred to Nellis Air Force Base, where he became the Air Force's top test pilot and the first man to pilot the X-84.

A deeply religious man, Joshua attends a Baptist church in the area when home and attends the chapel services when out in space. He believes the Bible is the infallible word of God and that Jesus is Savior and Lord as well as the promised Messiah.

As the leader of Star Force, his calm demeanor but authoritative manner inspires and encourages his colleagues while earning their respect and admiration.

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