Welcome to the Launch Bay, where you can go to other ST:CCG sites.

Decipher Decipher's web site, home of the card lists, FAQ, decks, articles, BBSs, and more!

Obsidian Order HQ Elim's site, with skill reviews, decks, transcripts, lists, and links to everywhere one could want to go in the ST:CCG Online community. Presently under construction.

Kahless's Home Page has a large number of interesting decks, some transcripts, dream cards, and the famed Rants.

ST:CCG Online Headquarters contains everything one needs to know to play ST:CCG over the internet, and chat rooms to do it in. The primary ST:CCG site for chatting.

Major Rakal's Romulan ST:CCG Home Page features the Romulan Reviews, decks, transcripts, Dilemma Facts, Q-Continuum Card Facts, and an Errata List.

Mot's Barber Shop is the home of Mot's Useless Card Reviews.

Sirna's Strategy site is an invaluable source of deck ideas and information, as well as featuring Strategema.

The Complete Rules Document is the collected wisdom of many FAQ updates, learned discussions, and questions asked of Decipher. Most rule questions can be answered here.

Mr. Homn's Page has a variety of pictures, as well as non-ST:CCG-related material.

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