My Crazy Ramblings
Don't threaten me.  I can drive.  Speaking of pickled pork, have you seen Ronald Reagan lately?  While we're on the subject, I just wanted to talk about my friend sponge.  Sponge is a great fruit.  If I could be any fruit in the whole wide world, it would be a sponge.  Don't you tell me that sponge isn't a fruit 'cause I know it is.  I asked it, and it said  "Yeah".  I must admit, at first I didn't think that sponge was a fruit, but it's hard to tell a sponge he's crazy.  I didn't want to argue with him.  He told me about his endless rebellion  against cake.  "Cake is the piece of glass that punctures the tyre, the mouse that scares the elephant, the iceberg that sinks the boat."  That's what the sponge told me.  He told me some horror stories about the Cake menace.  "Join me." he said.  
"Join me!" I shouted.  He looked at me strangely and explained to me that he wanted ME to join HIM.  "All right" I said, "but on one condition: you must give me your first born son."  The sponge agreed.  The next morning, we started on our trip in the war against cake.  We had no idea what adventures we might embark upon.  As a reader, just promise me one thing: if a sponge asks you to join him on one of his crusades say "yes", but if a cake asks you to join him on one of his crusades say "no", and kick him in the cream and take his wallet. 
Live Sponge Cam!!
This image of my sponge in the basement with the lights turned off is being sent out live via satellite.  You will receive an up to date image every four seconds.
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