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Last updated 2-25-06

"Do not start with me. You will not win."

Hi! I’m Radar. That’s my nickname. I garnered it because I'm short, wear glasses, I used to do lots of clerical-type work, I have the eerie and rather unusual propensity of knowing things that happen before they do, and I have a very strong sense of intuition. When someone yells for me I'm usually standing right behind them and I have been pegged as a human lie detector.

In my free time I like to read, write, sing, sew, make costumes, and attend Sci-Fi/Anime/Fantasy/Costuming conventions. I also enjoy role-playing games (on-line and tabletop) and getting into good discussions over coffee.

I have lived in several places during the course of my life. I was born in Arizona and my father's work moved me to Texas when I was five. I spent most of my life in Texas followed by brief amounts of time in Florida and Washington state. Currently, I reside in San Francisco, California.