The Shrine of the Damned

As in the christian's bible there are messiahs of good but there are also messiahs of evil. These messiahs of evil are by far the more powerful and in greater quantity, do you hear people (non-christian) start talking about Jesus? No, you hear them talk of Abdul Alhazerad (the Mad Arab), Edgar Allen Poe, H.P Lovecraft, Aleister Crowley and the recently departed Anton LaVey. Just as the Romans craved blood (for which they built coliseums), the people of today craze evil. They walk into a New Age store and call it Satanic to inspire the mystic fear of darkness, some teenagers claim they worship Satan when they do not, evil has become a fad but this fad will never pass. There will be more messiahs of evil to come, perhaps it'll be you, perhaps me but whoever is to come will continue where the last left off and evil will grow stronger still. For unlike the christian god, Satan has had many sons and will have many more. Clive Barker is christian and yet somehow he is a messiah of evil, those born messiahs of good often change. Barker is the messiah of present day evil and we can only watch on as he carries on the torch of despair.

As christians have their friends, we have ours. My friends are not all Satanists, most are Pagans and one or two are christians but those who are christian never are allowed to get too close as they might discover my plan to wipe them all off of the face of this Earth. But those who are not are the closet, most Pagans understand Satanism as they too have been prosecuted by the churches. There are my fellow Satanists Surt, Bloodstain, Dead Soul, and the people of Maledicta's Message Board. There are my fellow Pagans and such MiSeRy, Penny Dreadful, Sexy Lil Dead Chic, Dark Priestess, Dreamcaster, Morbid Angel, Anti Christ Monkey, fl@mesprite, Demon Queen, DemonAngle, Nocturnal Instinct, Luna, AuroraDusk, Star Grazel, Manson's Daughter, Lord of Hell, Wolfbane, Eclipsian, Ashlar, Lady Vampire, Dark Angel, Goddess of F**k, Trauna, Sorcia, Aeilan of the Shadowed Isles and many more. And then there are those who died fighting for what we are, Logan was a very good friend...he helped me through a lot and I honor his memory as those still alive often do.

And as the christians have their enemies so do we, there are those we hate and those we fear. I no longer fear, but I have a hatred so strong I cannot control it sometimes. Once in awhile some stupid christian comes on the Occult Room (actually on average its about one a day) and we flame the shit outta them, its a good way to release your anger...better than punching in windows and getting in fights. Don't bottle your hate inside as I did through the ages of 12-14 cause when you finally blow you blow big, trust me its better to piss off a few insignificant people than it is to piss off the people that have a hand in your future (teachers, etc...).

And as the church has their army so do we as a whole, but then again so do we all. Maybe not a full fledged organization but rather a personal army of friends, they are your fortress against the flood of christianity, they are those that you share knowledge, dreams and power with. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, infiltrate their church, keep up a "public face" and in private show your true face. For me this can sadly no longer apply, the school knows I burned a bible (although strong rumors suggest that I burn them on a regular thats an insult, why would I spend good money on bibles....just to burn them?), they know from my poetry that I have no respect for them or their god, they know I practice magick and they think that I am the leader of a large Satanic cult, the latter is not true. I have a coven called the Circle of Elements where we perform all sorts of magick. And because of all of this I am feared, hated and loathed, although its funny to see their blind hate for me it can get in the way sometimes. There are people like my ex Jacky who love you and then hate you because your not christian, she even tried to convert me back to "save" my soul. I get hate mail everyday from people who see ether one of my sites, but yet I get even more mail from those who like my site(s) and from those who wish to learn more.

Shemhamforash, Hail Shaitan, Hail Satan!

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