What ist Thine Opinion of The Dragons' Laire Overall? Most Delightful Delightful Fair Less Than Inpsiring Odds' Bodkin but it Doth Reek!
What ist Thine Opinion of the Scottish Pages? Sendeth I can Smell the Heather A pleasent Stroll in a Glen A Fair Outing I don't believe in Nessie. I've had better eating Haggis!
What ist Thine Opinion of the Celtic pages? I want to paint myself blue! I saw "ROAR" too. Don't own a sword. Don't WANT to own a sword Think the Roman should have won!
What ist Thine Opinion of the Fantasy pages? Gene Roddenberry eat your heart out! Gary Gygaxx eat your heart out! C+ Live in the Real World Think you need to join the Real World!
What ist Thine Opinion of The Dragons' Laire pages? Want to BE a Dragon! Want to own a dragon! Some of my best friends are Dragons Don't like Dragons. Want to be a DragonSlayer!