bunch butterflies

Hi , Thanks for visiting my homepage. I would like to gather personal stories of encounters with angels during an illness or at the time of impending death. I have had a few angel encounters myself, when I was on a Vision Quest in the Finger Lake region of NY. If you have met, heard, seen or in any way communicated with an angel (or angels), in a medical or health context, please send me an E mail letter and tell me about it. Thanks. I will post interesting stories on this page and use whatever identifying names you choose ( or none at all, if you want no recognition). I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks to those that contributed these stories. Namaste,



My experience happened in 1958, the year the Asian Influenza spread throughout the country taking many lives (mostly children and the elderly) I was eight years old when I contracted it and nearly died from the complications. I had been severely dehydrated and close to death when I was hospitalized in a military hospital. My mother told me that I asked her why there were children around my bed that all had blonde hair. I realized later that it was light emanating from them which made me think of blonde hair. I thought that the children from my class had come to visit me. During this time I also felt very I was floating. It was such a good pain or sickness...that I didn't want to come back and I remember feeling angry when I did come back. I believe the "children" I saw were angels comforting me. I was in the hospital for about a month recuperating. After this experience, for several years until almost adulthood, I would experience what I would come to realize may have been out of body experiences. I thought they were bad dreams of floating above my body and down the hallway from my bedroom but when I reached the front door of our home, I could not go beyond it. My sister that shared a room with me said that when I slept, I looked like I was lying in a coffin (on my back with my hands folded angelicly on my chest) She chided that she should have put lilies in my hands! It was while sleeping in this position that these dreams (or experiences) would happen. I never really shared this with anyone until a few years ago (not wanting to be thought of as crazy....even though I have worked for a mental health clinic for the last 25 years.) All of the literature that has come about on near death experiences has made me feel more comfortable about my own experience. I hope you enjoyed reading about it.
Sincerely, Veronica

Back in 1976, my Grandfather passed away. I was only 12 at the time and I wasn't present when he went. My Parents told me, when they got home from the Hospital, that he was gone. That night I had an extremely vivid Dream. My Grandpa was speaking to me, telling me that he was all right, and everything was going to be O.K. I remember when I awoke, the feeling of calmness. I wasn't upset or even disturbed about my loss. That seemed to bother me more, not feeling upset. Could that have been Grandpa's way of communicating with me? Maybe its what I wanted him to say. It's been twenty-two years now, since his passing. I can still remember what he was wearing, where we were, and what he said. I haven't had any other dreams with Grandpa in them. Things haven't always been good for me. When I think things are at there worst, I ask Grandpa for help. Then after a while, I forget how bad things were, and I even forget that I had asked Grandpa for some help. It seems to work. I guess he is my Angel in my heart.

Steve, Fresno, CA

When I was 6 years old, I became extremely ill to the point my doctor told my parents that there was nothing he could do... I was dying. I had gone to the nurse's office not feeling well that afternoon. I remember lying down in her office and going to sleep. The next thing I remember I was floating in an upward motion surrounded by a white mist, maybe clouds. I knew that I had no body but I was more aware of the presence around me than whether I had a body or not. I felt so happy and at peace. As I continued to float I saw gates that were made of gold beginning to swing outwards and I heard the most beautiful singing that I had ever heard. To this day nothing has ever come close to it. I started to go in through the gates. I knew that I wanted to stay and never leave. Then a voice spoke to me and said, " You cannot stay this time, you have to go back." I remember telling the voice to please let me stay, that I didn't want to go back. But tnen I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange room where my father was sitting, looking at me. I asked him where I was. It was then that he told me I had been in a coma for the past ten days!!! I know that the singing was an angelic choir. amazingly, this experience is just as vivid today as it was 42 years ago.


I decided to write about my experience with my father-in-law's death. In November of 1992, my father-in-law, Ted L. was diagnosed with cancer. He suffered a few months, and passed away at his home in his bedroom in February,1993. On the night of his death, my mother in law called my husband to tell him it was geting close, and a priest was on his way over to the house. My husband left our home and drove there, with anticipation of getting to say "goodbye". I, on the other hand, stayed at home with my 2 children. Shortly after my husband left, the phone rang. It was him telling me his dad was still hanging on, but his breaths were getting shorter. I told him to give him a kiss for me, and to call back when something happened. As I sat here feeling rather shaken up, I went downstairs to see if our tenants were home. They were, and I explained to them what the situation was. Suddenly, as I was talking, I hear very loud footsteps above my head, going back and forth down the hallway. Knowing Teddy hadn't possibly made it home and that my children were sound asleep,I began to become scared, thinking someone was in upstairs, and my children were in there beds. Joe and I came upstairs to check it out......absolutely nothing, and the kids were sound asleep.We went back to tell Barbara everything was ok, we hear it again. So, up we go, only to find nothing again.....ok, now I am confused and scared. As Joe comes out of the bathroom, we hear once again( for the third time) these footsteps back and forth down the hallway. Joe has a knife, I have a bat, insisting someone is up there, Barbara is waiting by the phone to call the police.As we are frantically searching under beds and in closets, I feel this warm and gentle feeling inside my heart, and feel completely safe. I looked at Joe, reassuring him it was all ok, that it was my father-in-law coming to say goodbye......three times we heard those footsteps. I believe it was his way of saying goodbye to me and my two boys...Within minutes, the phone rang. It was my husband calling to tell me his dad had passed away. But in my heart, I already knew. He said,"hun, he's gone" and I responded, "I know, he was just here to say 'goodbye'." I have always shared a very strong and special relationship with my father-in-law. My own father died when I was 13, and he had two daughters, but we were not a part of his life for many years. So in many ways, my father-in-law was the dad I lost, and I was the daughter he lost. I gave birth to his first grandchild, which was a boy named after him! So this is why I believe our bond was so strong that he came to us that night ..... one last say goodbye.





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