Part 6 - Black Goblins: Nearly the End of Digger's Quest
This sucks when they can actually hurt you
Wow.  Did getting that Almanec ever take a LOT of reloads!  First off, getting interupted by being damaged by a billion goblins sucks.  Second off, a billion goblins doing about 1/10th of your life bar per hit sucks even more.

Fortunately, after about three reloads (that's a lot for me), I remembered that tactics was supposed to be one of my strongest points.

I led the Gobbos out of the cave, and frequently leapt into the river.  Gobbos cannot swim.  Only about 30% of them remember this fact before plunging lemming like after the Digging One.  A few dunks and strategic grilled meat overdoses later, the Almanec was mine!

Next stop... Orc Cemetary.  I have a bad feeling about this.
Goblin One: "Wow! At first I thought a screaming human would be a problem!" Goblin 2: "Good thing he turned out to be a naked guy with a pointed stick!"
Part Seven - "I don't wanna be buried in an ORC cemetary..."