
Last updated on 6/19/05

Welcome to the Technoplain!

In this region is my interest in science fiction books. Here you'll find book reviews, my favorite authors, personal essays and other things related to science fiction books. My interest in science fiction started in high school. I've been reading it ever since.

I prefer to read the science fiction that involves the clash of cultures, first contact and isn't too technical. Pages of technical explanation dulls my sense of wonder. I like realistic characters, strong plots and interesting scientific speculation.

"Each one of us who is attracted to science fiction is attracted to things outside of the ordinary--things which expand our mental experiences beyond the actual day-to-day activities of our lives. We enjoy reaching outward. For example, we enjoy seeing into the future, we enjoy strange alien cultures, we enjoy confronting new creations of science and technology, we enjoy problems and conflicts which we don't encounter every day. We who love science fiction need to crawl out of our comfortable nests (couch/book/TV/computer/VCR/etc.) and explore the wonders of our planet--just as we explore wonders of the science fiction universe."

from Starlog magazine #126

Some of my favorite authors are:


Books That Would Make Good Entertainment

Frank Herbert's World of Dune

Book Review: Darwin's Radio by Greg Bear

World of Darkover

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