~Welcome to our World~

a tall dark figure walks out of the shadows......as the shadows part you can see, a pale, tall woman with green eyes and long red hair, she is wearing a black gown, slit down one side from hip down, the top of the gown goes across one shoulder with a sleeve attached running down her arm to hand looped around one finger, on that finger a silver wolf ring, the ring has blood red ruby eyes,around her neck is the same silver wolf pendant,behind her stands a tall blonde warrior, he has the crystal bluest eyes you've ever seen, long blonde hair, braided down his back, dressed in leather armour and leggings, long sword on his right hip the handle illumintates with a red ruby burning brightly on the hilt of the handle, he smiles (exposing georgous white teeth) "welcome to my abode...feel free to wonder through the halls of our castle, We won't harm thee......"YET"."some of our pictures and graphics are links............... he turns takes her hand into his and they turn and vanish into the shadows....

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