Picture of Phil & I goin down the Bush Beat at Wonderland
Me & the boyz at camp (foto taken yeeeears ago)
Piccy of Claud!
Chris & I pretending 2 b aslweep az we g down the Demon at
(L 2 R) Fran, Nick, Felix
(L 2 R) My cuz Eileen, Me, my sis Jazz, my aunty and my other cuz
(L 2 R) Felix (again), Taro and Fran
Another one wid me an mat (my best bud)
At the Mercy Formal 1998 (L 2 R) Nat, Cesco, Arial, (4got this
blokes name) and Annette
My brother Hovik (lil' QT)
Hamskam Formal 1998 (L 2 R) Annette, Nyree, Nat & Anita
Me and my buddy James
Me an ma sis (Jazzy) at da beach
Me an ma sis (Jazzy) when we were youngah
(L 2 R) Nadia (cuz), my aunty, me, Malcom (cuz)
My bestest buddy Matty G
Good bud, Desmon wid his dog
Natty wid her dog
Me an natty (ma other sis ;)
Natty Gharib when she waz small, qt
Natty and her bro Pete, pic taken in Melb
Me and ma buddy Nicko :)
DJ Robby G, from Melb.... legendary bloke
Felix and his friends
Sarkis from Melb
Me and Willsy (Steve).. funny bloke
Zaven, sikkest bloke out and legendary hacker
Me and Nicko again :)
Emin, bluddy legendary guy...
My Yr12 Formal foto (L 2 R) Stephanie, Steve, Carmen, Matty, Marlene,
Me, Haroot, Tamar
Garine H, Foto taken at formal :)
Haig and Vartan
Kes, Emin and Hagop
Me and Cesco at Mercy formal
Me, my sis (Jazzy) and Matty
Carmen and the extremely sexy Marlene :)))
Please, dont ask ;)