/Masked4now - Zach Baker's home on the internet
. . . because nothing's as pathetic as a personal website.
Site last updated:  10/31/2001
If you haven't been around for awhile, you might notice a few changes around the place.  Yes, the logo is new, yes, the title of the page has changed, yes, the employee lounge has gotten a new pop machine.  And don't think that I've sold out just because I have my own executive washroom.  Remember:  I'm an English Major, and none of this is going to last.  In five years I'll be the assistant manager at a Burger King, living in a cardboard box and licking candy wrappers to stay alive for another hour or two.  But I digress.

The golden age of "Life, the Universe, and Stuff" has passed.  Like so many great periods of history,
LTU&S didn't die so much as it faded away, as updates became less and less frequent.  When the same quote of the week had been up for a little over a year, and I realized that no one really cared about the Rogues Gallery anymore, its novelty having long since worn off, I figured it was time to give the old baby the axe in favor of a more permanent site which would require less labor on my part, because, let's face it:  I'm lazy.  And so, I wager, are you.

Therefore, I present /Masked4now, my new home on the internet.  As the site evolves, I plan to offer a number of the elements that made LTU&S what it was, only less stupid, and with less emphasis on a group of friends which has, despite my continued affection for all of them, grown somewhat apart since we all went to college.  The old page will always stay
here because I could never bear to let it go, but my web-based efforts will be focused here, documenting whatever parts of my life seem important, or amusing, or, as is often the case, both.  So what are you still reading this for, anyway?  Kick the tires and take her for a test spin!.
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