Introductory Notes : This is the first of what I hope will become a series of
poems that take a look at our beloved X-files characters -- Mulder, Scully,
Krycek, Marita, and only the Muse knows who else -- in the light of classical
lovers from history and mythology.
adam and eve
summary : innocence is always the sweetest right after we throw it away.
Written to Mulder and Scully.
"And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh.
She shall be called Woman,
because she was taken out of Man....
..... and they shall be one flesh."
Genesis 2 :22-23
beauty stirred in her dreaming,
murmuring her secrets to the wind.
shaking silent blossoms to annoint
the hollow where innocences entwined.
and you felt the first passion
for the very first time,
and you decided to call it a flame.
bone of bone, flesh shared with flesh.
you were naked and were not ashamed.
inside curtains of scarlet sun, silver moon
and a canopy of diamond stars.
and you kissed the first kiss
for the very first time
and you decided to call it love.
if you had but known
would you have shivered
when a snake had crawled by
underneath your bed of grass and dreams?
but you did not know.
no part of you could understand.
evil envied the brightness,
cloaking its spite in shimmers and scales.
baiting the pure with sensual fruit.
once bitten the juice stained so deep...
and her eyes were first opened
for the very first time,
and you knew you were naked, and shamed.
blood of blood, pulse matched to pulse.
he thought of eternity without
and sank his teeth deep into mortality.
eden shivered and cracked sky to soul.
and his mind was first released
for the very first time.
and you had not a word for the fear.
you tried so hard
to cover the sin,
fingers bloody from needles
stitching together leaves, hiding pain.
but it was not enough
and you understood, but hated it.
beauty mourned in the grayness
murmuring her sorrow to the cold.
watching the Banished flee Eden forever,
stumbling over the hard earth outside.
and you cried the first tears
for the very first time
and whispered that this must be pain.
hand to hand, hope touched to hope,
of a distant salvation, yet to arise.
yet the future and Knowledge terrified you,
as did the smiles and laugh of the Snake.
and you took one last look
for one last time
and believed that the word was loss.
then began to walk]
toward the endless horizon.
still tasting the gall of the fruit,
but also a bit of the joy.