Delordra's Little Piece of Insanity
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Alias Fanfiction
Lacrima Angelorum:
1983 AU: The Bristow family reunites in Russia (R)
Living a Lie:
1981 AU: Irina is discovered by the CIA (PG-13)
The Seduction of Jonathan D. Bristow:
The courtship of Jack and Laura (NC-17)
Post S3: A different take on where Irina was (R)
Star Trek: Voyager Fanfiction
A chance encounter changes everything.  Incomplete.  (PG-13)
Little Katie Riding Captain:
A Voyager fairy tale (G)
Miracle on 3rd Deck:
A Voyager fairy tale for Christmas (G)
Kathryn Janeway and the Angel of Love:
Silliness with blond bimboes and alternate universes (PG-13)
A Change in Perspective:
At the end of the 5th season, Kathryn Janeway realizes who she has become (PG)
The Captain is getting some complaints from Deck 9, Section 12 (PG)
Mistletoe Tag:
A new game on the holodeck (PG)
A Swimming Lesson:
Janeway gets revenge.  Sequel to "Mistletoe Tag" (PG)
To Hope:
A Voyager story from a different perspective (G)
General Prose
Library Books:
A little girl visits her grandparents for the first time (PG-13)
Not everyone wants a haircut (PG)
Snow White and the Seven and a Half Dwarfs:
A fractured fairy tale (G)
The speech I gave at my high school graduation (nonfiction) (G)
Where Two Rivers Meet:
It's sappy.  Consider yourself warned. (G)
Ah, My Love:
A poem making fun of sappy love poems (G)
A visual poem (G)
Dedicated to the memory of Edna Rae and Linc Sidwell (PG)
Maybe you'll have to read it to find out what it's about (PG)
Whatever happened to all of those childhood monsters your parents used to tell you about? (PG)