The Land of Red Dwarf, Wheel of Time, and Anime.

Disclaimer: I did not make up Red Dwarf, Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2, or The Wheel of Time.

Additional: Many thanks to all the sites that I have used graphics from. If you feel that I missed you in the following lists, please e-mail me and I will give you credit. These include: The Red Dwarf Official web site, Silicon Hell, Ice Princess's Smeg Realm, The World of Anime, and Lycentia's Web Shop.

Updates: Season two quiz is up! I have finally gotten my butt into action. So, take the quiz, see how you do. Maybe you'll win the award. I think that's all for now. My option for the anime is still up and any other comments can be sent to


Thank you sooo much Meatball Head for the guestbook graphics!

people have graced my presence since November 20, 1998.

Tiffany's Fanfic

reddwarfgirl got their NeoPet at