Welcome to the da Psycho's Nether Domain!!
Designer's Note:
Whazzzuupp, u'all
i'm working on a new storyline so
"7th Realm" storyline is on hold. U can still check out the character bios. You can check out the completed first chapter of "Legend of the Rune", at www.fanfiction.net. or click here.  Profiles coming soon!!
Oh, yeah, one more thing, after a year of searching, i finally found
it.  Check out "The Force"(Even though that wasn't its original title lol)
at www.fanfix.com/stroies/yjk/theforce/htm.  Enjoy!!.
-From the red-headed psycho
My Pix
7th Realm
Charater Bios
Legend of the  Runes Website